View Full Version : Small gastric bleed/nausea

22-01-10, 18:34

Over the last few weeks I have been suffering, on and off, from gastritis. Last week, for the first time ever, I had black stools.

Gastroenterologist performed an endoscopy and could see two small areas of gastritis (no ulcer) and in one of these areas, was a tiny bleeding blood vessel. He apparently injected it successfully to stop it bleeding. My oesophagus was normal and so was my duodenum. He took a biopsy to check for h.pylori but the result is not back yet. I have been tested for this before but it was negative.

I'm now on omeprazole and it has helped with the acid but I feel nauseated and my stomach remains a little tender. The procedure was done a few days ago.

The nausea is getting to me. Has anyone else had a similar experience.? I feel panicked!

Many thanks.


22-01-10, 18:38
Gastritis is an unpleasant thing and can make you feel rotten. From the nausea point of view maybe sucking a mint might settle your stomach? I have bile reflux and feel like that sometimes and I find the mint helps me. I hope it settles down soon for you, I'm sure it will. Just put your feet up if you can and take it easy.

22-01-10, 19:23
Thank you, Myra.

I'm trying to keep myself distracted but the nausea and tenderness is really hard to ignore. I'm very anxious when I visit the loo. I'm convinced I'll have another rebleed.
The gastro chap didn't seem overly concerned.

It's going to be a long weekend.:weep: