View Full Version : A lot of symptoms. Could this be anxiety?

22-01-10, 21:28
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and decided to make a thread since I've been having a lot of symptoms lately and everybody keeps telling me that they are all caused by anxiety. I'm going to see my doctor next week.

First of all, I'm sixteen. I've had obsessive-compulsive behavior (I'm saying 'behavior' not 'disorder' because I haven't actually been diagnosed) since I was 6 or 7. It was really bad when I was 10 years old or so, now it has gotten better - I don't have the urge to repeat my actions/movements all the time and I don't constantly organize things. I also suffered from panic attacks when I was 13-14. Took some antidepressants for some time but they didn't help much.

About 2 years ago I started having headaches. Mostly they are tension-like and mild/moderate but sometimes they can be pretty sharp. I went to several doctors and they all kept telling me that there is not a serious underlying cause. I was convinced that I have a brain tumor. Finally I had an MRI done and it showed that everything is normal.

But now, for the past few months I've been having TONS of symptoms in different places of my body. Like:

*I feel like my muscles are pulsating. This usually happens in my legs and buttocks and esp. when I am lying down. But it can happen anywhere in my body at any time.
*I have lighter periods than normal. I usually have heavy flow with dark, thick blood, but lately it has been light in both texture and color.
*Alternating diarrhea and constipation. I had diarrhea for two days around christmas time. Then I had constipation for weeks. Then my stool was normal for a few days. And now I have diarrhea again. And sometimes there's weird white/light yellow slime in it.
*Around christmas time I found a hard, not movable lump in my neck (back of my neck, not front. It's kind of on the lower part of my neck, pretty close to my spine).
*I have constant hissing sound in my ears. It doesn't go away not even for a second. Sometimes I hear a beep, it usually lasts for 30 seconds.
*I have a lot of gas, I burp a lot and pass gas a lot (it doesn't smell). I also have pretty bad stomach pains from time to time. And a lot of loud sounds in my stomach even when I'm not hungry. Like.. gurgling and whiny sounds.
*I've had a sore throat for months now (no cough). I tried to cure it but it doesn't go away no matter what I do.
*I have random chills. And sometimes my palms get really sweaty and my body gets all warm/hot, but I don't have a fever.

I know that a lot of these symptom suggest that I have HIV. First I thought it was impossible, because I've never had an intercourse and I've never used needles. But then I remembered that when I was 11-13 I used to use my dad's wife's razor 20-30 times without her knowing. I cut my legs a lot of the times when I shaved with it. And now I'm concerned that I might have HIV. I know the chances are very slim, because she might not even have HIV and it doesn't survive in the air for long, but I'm still very scared.

Long post, sorry. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes and all. My english isn't very good.
EDIT: Also, I have a visible bump in the area where I drew a red dot. I noticed this months ago, but I have no idea how long it's been there. It feels like bone. Is it just that one side of my ribs is bigger than the other? Or are there maybe lymph nodes in that area that are swollen?


22-01-10, 23:59
Hey sweetie. I doubt you have HIV..... Because all of the those syptoms are anxiety related. And also in order to catch that, it would have to be fresh blood on blood. It cant linger on a razor.. I have suffered from all of these symptoms in the past... Not very pleasant in the slightest, but they wont and cannot harm you in the long run.
Have you tried any relaxing methods or techniques? It may help ease alot of the symptoms.
LOts of love, Kasha xxxxx

23-01-10, 00:04

23-01-10, 02:12
I think the problem with HIV is that there are so many symptoms that can be so many different things. Ive been convinced a million times over the years that my symptoms match HIV, but Ive always been clear. Im not an expert on anxiety but I agree with Kasha that a lot of the symptoms you describe are anxiety related.


23-01-10, 09:24
Have you tried any relaxing methods or techniques?
LOts of love, Kasha xxxxx

No, but I have an appointment to a psychiatrist in February. And an app. to my doctor next week.

Also, is it common to have anxiety symptoms (like sweating, shaking, dizziness etc) when there's no reason to be anxious? Like sometimes I just sit in my room and I suddenly get really nervous without a reason.

Also: I forgot to mention that I usually have white, thicker kind of discharge (sorry, if this is TMI). But lately it's been clear or milky and sometimes (like, when walking or exercising) there's a lot of it. It doesn't have an odor.

23-01-10, 22:12
Yes. When Im sitting in my room, or at college, walking or whatever... Just feeling normal (which is RARE for me) I just get random sweating or shaking, or dizziness.. and especially breathing and tight throat issues. They just happen... So I guess its normal if you are an anxious person in general... to get these symptoms without worrying beforehand. Which is very annoying I know..
And Im not sure about the womens problems. But Im sure its nothing to worry about, as mine goes like that alot.. Im just so worried about other issues within my body, I dont give the discharge a thought!

Kasha x x x x

24-01-10, 00:40
I guess you do need to have your GP investigate. Does sound like anxiety, esp with the IBS symptoms (by the way the slime is part of that).

I get a lot of those symptoms. because of the chills it is still a good idea to be checked out. At least if your GO does tests and nothing comes back you'll know you ARE dealing with anxiety

Hope you get some answers

24-01-10, 10:56
Thanks to everyone who has replied:)

Also, for the past few days I've been having nausea in the evenings/night, pains relieved by passing gas and reaaally loud stomach noises and it seems to be worse when lying down. And that is making me even more concerned:sad: