View Full Version : symptoms before knowledge!

22-01-10, 22:26
hi all, really sorry if im driving u all mad but i have question. I will use my lastest craze as an example. One night i had a crawling sensation over my face and it never really bothered me...however one night when i was on the laptop bored i thought i would google it. My results from google indicated ms! Well that petrified the life out of me and since then i have had numbness on the left side of my body, tingling anywhere at anytime, numbness on face mainly around my eyes. Vibrations in my body and more facial crawling. So what i would like to know is....how can i have brought on this fear of ms when i knew nothing about it to start with? I had a symptom before i had the fear so how can it be anxiety? X x

22-01-10, 23:08

23-01-10, 00:02
Ive had that sensation before a few times lovely. Infact, everything youve described. It will go... I think its your imagination... because you 'think' and expect it to happen.. it does.. same foes for any on-going anxiety symptom. No worries chick... Give it a few days, and it will be gone, youl be just fine ;) You havent got MS. Thats just google. It knows nothing!! :P ;) All my love, Kasha x x x x x

23-01-10, 00:05
Wikipedia says 2-150 in every 100,000. Which ends up being 0.002-0.15%. I highly doubt you have it. If you didn't google it, it probably would have gone away by now.

23-01-10, 00:32
i had every symptom that you described, i had a fear of MS too, i even went to see a neuro - had a physical exam and had a brain MRI too - all clear, i don't have MS and i highly doubt you have either.

Going home
23-01-10, 00:42
The mind is a powerful thing and always open to suggestion, we can usually talk ourselves into almost anything. That's why its easy to hypnotize us. You've tricked yourself into thinking you have all of the symptoms of an illness, based on one symptom that wasn't serious. Ignore Google...why is it that people feel embarassed to admit they've googled because they know its a mistake to do it, but then say they believed it!! :D

Try to talk yourself out of what you've talked yourself into. You are fine, anxious yes, but you do not have MS.

Take care
GH xx

31-01-10, 16:06
Thanks going home. I have been trying to relax and dont always notice my "symptoms" as much but they are still about,lol. xx