View Full Version : "Ever seen anyone as bad as me ?"

23-12-05, 12:25
a few months back I asked this of my doctor...she said she saw people every day with all sorts of problems, its my job she told me.

I hope this gives people who are afraid some confidence, dont be afraid of taking antidepressants or talking to your doctor, her advice to me has been medication together with exercise and writing down positive things about myself, there is no need to worry about a visit to the doctor being like a trip to the couch where you tell all your darkest thoughts...she said we all have them and we all have fears.

Best of wishes to you this xmas, it can be a difficult time if we are feeling less than well, but we are all there to help each other.

23-12-05, 12:40
Nice one Frankie :)

Merry Christmas.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.