View Full Version : Visual disturbances driving me nuts again :-(

23-01-10, 01:25
Okay here goes;
i keep seeing flashes in my vision , and i can't focus on anything for too long because my eyes glaze over . i see little dots of light all the time , and they stay even when i shut my eyes !

at night i also get like a buzzing sensation across my bottom eyelids , it's so hard to explain - but it happens once i've turned my laptop off - so i'm guessing it must be something to do with that ?

walking around is awful for me , my head feels so heavy all the time and i have constant dizzyness ! especially if i turn my head a certain way ! i always feel off balance - like i'm about to fall forwards or backwards ! it happens when i'm sitting or lying down too .

i just have this constant drunk feeling in my head :weep: whoozy and not quite there !

my eyes feel heavy too and i just feel like i'm not in my body half the time !

when i'm going to sleep my whole body vibrates and trembles and i get pains in my forehead ! it scares me so much i've literally jumped out of bed a few times in a half asleep state !

i cannot shake this brain tumor fear , no matter how many times i try to reason with myself it keeps coming back !

some one help me reason

23-01-10, 01:36
hi there,
i really am going to be of no help to here in reasoning with you, other than to say everything you are suffering with now im experiancing them all exactly the same, and i couldnt have described the feelings any better myself. I 2 am convinced i must have a brain tumour, but i have been suffering all this now for nearly 2 months, and im still here and no worse.....must be a good sign surely??!!! The only advice i can offer is relaxing does help, but if you are like me i find it hard to switch off and relax because of it all being so constant.
Please feel free to PM anytime if you want to talk about any of this or just to ahve a rant, LOL. Its nice sometimesto know your not the only 1.

Take Care
Love Debs x

23-01-10, 01:49
thank you for your reply anyway debs ! it really is good to know i'm not alone !
the chances of us both having a brain tumor is very very slim so i think we can agree it is more likely anxiety causing our symptoms !
it's just so hard to remind yourself that when you are in the heat of the panic ! especially because my body just feels awful ALL of the time ... (which it would do because of the amount of stress im putting it under)
i find it impossible to relax - i think this is the main reason why i can't beat my anxiety ! my brain is alert 24/7 which makes attempting to relax hell for me !
i'm just so drained , physically and emotionally that i can't take much more , i really am driving myself nuts XX :hugs:

23-01-10, 01:50
hi there hope you r feeling better