View Full Version : morning dizziness

23-01-10, 08:00
i have been feeling faint and lightheaded when i open my eyes in the morning and it is obviously working me up.

i also can feel lightheaded during the day but it seems to go if i am not thinking about it so much or i am busy at work.

i have been diagnosed with health anxiety now for 6 months and have had all manner of terminal illnesses since. this latest episode is causing me to worry about brain tumors.

i did go to doc in dec and he said it was labyrinthitis and it went for 2 weeks or so over xmas now its back and seems worse.

has anyone suffered the same,im desperate for some reassurance?

23-01-10, 09:27
Hi Mike

Yes, Yes, Yes

All the time on and off. As you say if I busy myself I dont notice it. I first noticied it in 2006 when I was feeling slightly light headed seemingly after eating . I realised it was only when eating out, I feel that was just before I had a small nervous breakdown then from November 2006 onwards I have felt it on and off. The problem is the more you focus on it the more it comes and the worse it is. I find when I am out in shops or in public is worse but I can get it when looking at the Computer or when I am relaxing.

If you search this forum for diziness you will find it is very comon. Have you had the head rush thing yet? It is like a sudden wave of lightheadedness it really does feel funny but again I would not say I have stopped worrying about it I have just started to live with it. Time is a great healer and if you have it long enough you will live with it. I haven't died of a brain tumour yet!

Try to relax and don't focus on it. Try to find something you like doing and focus your mind on that you will find with time it will occur less and less.

Take Care


23-01-10, 18:26
You said your doctor told you it was labyrinthitis? Did the doctor check you over,like ears and stuff?

I am asking because I have labyrinthitis and I had to go see a balance specialist to correct the issue. For some people it just goes away after awhile, but if it comes back, I think you might want to let your doc know. There are exercises you can do to get it to go away.

I am actually lightheaded and woozy today. I woke up this way in the AM, a lot of my labyrinthitis "flare ups" have to do with the weather changing...and it is unseasonably warm today.:lac:

I can also, like you, feel that the dizzies and lightheadedness come and go, depending on how busy I am. It does help to not dwell, the first few weeks all I would do was sit around and dwell on it, it made it much worse. :doh:

23-01-10, 18:54
hi sleepless,

the doc checked my ears and blood pressure all the usual checks.he said it is inner ear so without seein a ent specialist thats what he thought it was! he gave me some prochlorperazine which didnt have much effect on the dizziness but this subsided for 3 weeks like i say.

not dwelling on it is especially hard because i still havent managed to deal with thinking the worst case scenario. can labyrinthitis come and go then? and what exercises are there? do you know any?

Carly Lou
23-01-10, 19:10
Hey mike, i know how you feel, i am 25 year old female and i have had dizziness for the past 10 days, i have been told i have labrynithisis, i suffer from terrible anxiety and i am convinced it is a brain tumour, xxx
im driving my whole family mad with my worrys, please please if anyone has had labrynithtis please put my mind at ease, the serc i have been given is working a treat so i guess it isnt a tumour and i am just being plain silly ???? xxxxxxxxxxx

Carly Lou
23-01-10, 19:15
ive realised that searching the web has almost completely worried me sick, im not doing it anymore, i have been so worried, the dizziness completely ruled my week, i cried every night it was just so dehabilitating,
the doctor even checked my eyes with this unusal contraption and said everything looks great behind the eyes,
i was waking up sick and as soon as my dizziness was there i went into a panic attack, palpatations etc, it was so scary,
but my doctor is not worried, i had some blood tests taken and that was all fine, just one showed a slight raise and said that is due to the virus, but im still so worried, yesterday i had the most terrible headache and ended up calling nhs direct in a complete panic,
is anyone the same as me ????? xx

Cell block H fan
23-01-10, 19:46
Yes. I can be at work & feel light headed for no reason & I then start thinking about what would happen if I just keeled over at work. I'm on my feet the whole time there & its a supermarket, so it wouldn't be funny if I fainted! But it always passes. I also get the dizzy feeling when I reverse my car for some reason.

23-01-10, 21:22
i get very dizzy spells esp when im on edge or nervous for some reason. it really frightens me, my worst anxiety symptom in fact.

and i have also had the 'rush of lightheadedness' as one of your previous posts says and that too frightens me

23-01-10, 22:21
Hey mike, i know how you feel, i am 25 year old female and i have had dizziness for the past 10 days, i have been told i have labrynithisis, i suffer from terrible anxiety and i am convinced it is a brain tumour, xxx
im driving my whole family mad with my worrys, please please if anyone has had labrynithtis please put my mind at ease, the serc i have been given is working a treat so i guess it isnt a tumour and i am just being plain silly ???? xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi there. See my previous post. I have labyrinthitis. The anxiety is tough to deal with when you have an inner ear problem. I have read that it even amplifies it.

I have had labyrinthitis for almost a year. Don't think this will be you. I happened to not be diagnosed for a few months so I was miserable for almost half a year not knowing, so take comfort that you already know what it is.

Like I said before, sometimes it goes away within a few days or weeks. Sometimes it takes longer. The most important thing is to stay active and don't let the dizziness confine you to laying or sitting. I did that for 3 months and it got me nowhere. :blush:

23-01-10, 22:27
hi sleepless,

the doc checked my ears and blood pressure all the usual checks.he said it is inner ear so without seein a ent specialist thats what he thought it was! he gave me some prochlorperazine which didnt have much effect on the dizziness but this subsided for 3 weeks like i say.

not dwelling on it is especially hard because i still havent managed to deal with thinking the worst case scenario. can labyrinthitis come and go then? and what exercises are there? do you know any?

Yeah I initially got some medication that was similar to prochlorperazine but it didn't really help either. Staying active and doing the Vestibular Rehabilitation Exercises (thats what they are called) twice a day are what really made a difference for me.

There may be a few websites that have examples, but honestly the ones I did came from the balance doctor I saw. Since I am obviously not a doctor, they would be the ones to help you with the exercises. A lot of them can be done at home, or at a physio.

If you are interested...there is a pretty good website for people with inner ear problems on the net that I frequent often. There are alot of people on there with the same problems...

24-01-10, 01:58
I get dizzy every day - It helped me understand this by reading the info at the side here


Carly Lou
25-01-10, 19:10
Hi sleepless fog, Gosh i was doing so well, the serc tablets the docs put me on started to do the trick, been to the docs today and she said everything is fine, no way i have a brain tumour, which i guess a brain tumour doesnt cause popping ears and some ear ache and that horrid sinus headache i am getting, but i still will not take that, so for some bizarre reason today when we went to do the food shop i started to come over all dizzy, in the bloody tescos ( english supermarket) my poor partner, he didnt know what to do, when i decided to take my son for a little whizz around in the trolley i started to feel better,
so maybe i am bringing on some of the dizziness in my anxiety ???? i cant believe that we can manifest the syptoms we dont want, does this make sense ???
im still worried i have a tumour tho, and i cant shake it off ??????
Help..................... x
Hey Mike, hope you are well x

25-01-10, 19:15
hey i went for my doc appointment today too carly. my doc checked all my reflexes,pressure in my eyes,ears,blood pressure,pulse,checked my jaw and my co ordination and said that everything is 100% normal. asked about other symptoms of which there are none and said that he thought there is nothing at all to worry about.

i went to work after and to be honest i didnt feel the dizziness hardly all day. then tonight after work come in and start to think abot it and here i am worrying again!

it has to be anxiety surely?

25-01-10, 19:19
Hi Mike
I get the lightheadedness all the time, everyday actually at the moment as my anxiety is very high. I do find though when I have a bout of confidence or reassurance it does go away (only briefly but still goes away). Its very hard not to focus on the lightheaded feeling as it is so scary, but it is a very common symptom of anxiety.
Take care

25-01-10, 19:28
hi ann,

my only fear is that the doc didnt want me to have a mri or any bloodtests but i guess that must mean he is confident it is not a tumor! im sure he would have asked for these tests if it was anything to worry about?

26-01-10, 02:23
Hi sleepless fog, Gosh i was doing so well, the serc tablets the docs put me on started to do the trick, been to the docs today and she said everything is fine, no way i have a brain tumour, which i guess a brain tumour doesnt cause popping ears and some ear ache and that horrid sinus headache i am getting, but i still will not take that, so for some bizarre reason today when we went to do the food shop i started to come over all dizzy, in the bloody tescos ( english supermarket) my poor partner, he didnt know what to do, when i decided to take my son for a little whizz around in the trolley i started to feel better,
so maybe i am bringing on some of the dizziness in my anxiety ???? i cant believe that we can manifest the syptoms we dont want, does this make sense ???
im still worried i have a tumour tho, and i cant shake it off ??????
Help..................... x
Hey Mike, hope you are well x

Wow, that supermarket story sounds awful. I had a lot of trouble going to the supermarket for a long time with the labyrinthitis. Yeah, the dizziness and anxiety go hand in hand, first I would get dizzy, then I would get anxious about being dizzy and if something would happen, and the anxiousness would make me even more dizzy.

I knew someone who had a brain tumor both when I was a kid and a coworker. I freaked out for awhile about a brain tumor when I first had this issue, but then I thought about all the symptoms the people I knew had, and I didn't have any of them.

And you mentioned the sinus headache. Yes I get this a lot, it makes the ear problem way worse.

Hang in there....its not fun....but the one thing I learned is baby steps and patience. I used to be an active runner before this ear thing happened. Today all I can do is take long walks, but I am getting back to my old self, I just have to be patient.

Carly Lou
26-01-10, 12:33
What sort of symptoms did they have, i just have the dizzies and a little headache, doc did check my eyes and behind them and said they are fine, i emailed a private HC clinic and the cost for a brain MRI is estimated at £600 so poss in dollars thats 800 dollars ?? erm so ill have to give that one a miss, xx if i hadnt read up stuff abt brain tumours i wouldnt even probably be worrying, thats what irratates me !!!! x

26-01-10, 15:57
Hi Mike and others ,
I get dizzy in morning and through the day Doc said was Labrythitus was actually my ears were fully blocked , although i do get dizzy still now , like a panic attack , i worry as this can happen evon when im having an ok day ...
having blood tests done tomorrow as i went to doc , she said doing this so i have peace of mind and shut me up i think ...

i hate health anx in a bad place now but comfort im not alone with this as seems to be many others with this to .

love to know the answer how to cure it ? anyone ?

Carly Lou
26-01-10, 16:25
Hey i worryallthetime...... tell me about it, i cant believe how dehailitating this LAB is..... i was terrible for a whole week, dizzy, felt sick, weak, i really thought the end was near, i had some blood tests and they were fine, only one was slightly elevated, meaning i had a virus, hence feeling like death and having these ear problems,
have you been put on serc ?? that helps alot but i am now nervous that when i stop taking it all the dizziness will come flooding back, i also have ( but not taking at the mo) propanol and risperdone (sp) for anxiety etc xxxx
did you feel terrible and dizzys that were awful x
i feel like it is never going to end, and just want to feel normal and healthy again xxx

26-01-10, 19:08
Hi CarlyRB

yes i did , i had my ears cleaned out and a bit better , i still get wizzy feeling but i think all part of HA ..
at moment i am worried about other health issues cant seem to get out of this tunnel im in at moment ...
i want to feel normal and healthy to .

27-01-10, 03:12
What sort of symptoms did they have, i just have the dizzies and a little headache, doc did check my eyes and behind them and said they are fine, i emailed a private HC clinic and the cost for a brain MRI is estimated at £600 so poss in dollars thats 800 dollars ?? erm so ill have to give that one a miss, xx if i hadnt read up stuff abt brain tumours i wouldnt even probably be worrying, thats what irratates me !!!! x

Vomiting uncontrollably, passing out/blacking out, slept almost everyday for at least 20 hours, couldn't remember their own name sometimes, excruciating headaches that had to be taken care of with painkillers you only can get while hospitalized. Oh and temporary blindness in one eye.

And as a disclaimer....just because you have one of these things...does not mean you have a brain tumor!

When I say excruciating headache...I mean like I have never seen anyone in that much pain before in my entire life.

There is no magical cure for Labyrinthitis...because if there was...I would have found it by now because I've had it for a year next Monday and if there was a cure...I would have made sure I had figured it out :blush::doh:

Carly Lou
27-01-10, 10:18
I feel my ears want to pop alot, and i every now and again have the dizziness, but have been told that the tablets and the lab are what are causing my headaches, they are only muggy type headaches, i can go through the day with them, but they are always in the back of my mind, i am taking serc for the dizziness, but dont want to be on it forever altho my doctor said the dizziness will go, but then i think i have heard of people having it for a long time like yourself, i just keep thinking, i have had blood tests and they are fine, except for the virus i had last week etc, she isnt worried and has been so good at helping me believe that i do NOT have a brain tumour, i can feel myself going dizzy now, but i think that is the anxiety kicking in because i am thinking about it etc etc....................... oh blurgh........... its horrid, xx

28-01-10, 01:19
Yes, my ears pop a lot, it all depends on the weather too. Right now when it rains or gets really cold, my ears sound like Rice Krispies cereal. My anxiety levels have been the problem with this dizziness...stress combined with that have made a lot of days pretty exhausting.

I just tell myself that it will go away in time, and that I need to keep going and stop focusing on the actual eye problems and wooziness I feel. It was very hard at first but with family and friend support, it hasn't been too bad.