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View Full Version : Blood in mouth!!!!

23-01-10, 10:27
Hi all, well i had a bad cold a few weeks ago and since then i have been left with a tickle in my throat that makes me really cough but has no phlem(sorry) it drives me nuts. Anyway this morning i got up and there was blood in my mouth so i poked my tongue out as usually my gums bleed at night....however there was blood from the centre of my tongue going backwards!!!!! this means i was coughing it up doesnt it? :weep:

23-01-10, 11:03
It could be from your gums. My gums used to bleed for no apparent reason until I started to floss. Also, if you've been coughing, you could of broken a tiny blood vessel somewhere.

23-01-10, 11:04
I hve been coughing but its a dry cough caused by this flaming tickle in my throat!

Thanks for replying. xx

Cell block H fan
23-01-10, 12:44
Yes, sounds like a burst blood vessel from the coughing, especially if its a dry cough by the sounds of it? I had this years ago when I was early 20's. Worried me terrible that did. The doc said about the burst blood vessel & not to worry x

23-01-10, 16:10
Agree with Cell block H fan (incidentally I remember it well...Lizzie et al !!) I would think it was a little blood vessel ruptured by straining while coughing. I believe this is quite common and I have experienced this myself also. XX

Cell block H fan
23-01-10, 17:15
LOL mmac43 great isn't it. I'm more an obsessive Blocky than a fan, but that sounds mental to people so I just say i'm a fan lol
Yeh I remember when I coughed up blood being petrified. In fact, I dont mind admitting I have never looked at what ive coughed up since, & that was 15+ years ago, just because it scared me so much! what a baby ey lol Its probably also a bit dangerous, but I am terrible for burying my head in the sand grrrrr