View Full Version : Missing my Best Bud

23-01-10, 10:34
Hi Guys

Just looking for a little support at the moment. Have been on seroxat since november, things have been very up and down, but through it all i had my wonderful partner by my side, telling me i would be ok, keeping me occupied, holding me, loving me...over the last few weeks i was feeling back to my normal self, even ready to go back to work.

But my love left yesterday for 2 months in australia, i knew it was coming and felt i had become well enough to handle it. But two hours after he left i just crumbled, crying my eyes out. I just see weeks ahead without him. PA's are back and i'm not sleeping well. I feel lost, i didn't realise i relied so much on him. I hope this is just one of those 'blips' and am going to really try to get back to work as planned, i need people around me. Any advise on 'blips' would be great.

Love and Hugs

23-01-10, 12:02
Don't worry Bexie, remember 2 months is only 8 weeks and look how quickly a week goes past. I'ts classic separation anxiety and the most important thing is that you keep yourself (and your mind) occupied.

23-01-10, 12:15
Thanks Horse

I just can't stop crying, don't feel i can cope without him. I was doing so well, and now i'm falling apart again. I feel so weak...i need to be able to cope on my own...i mean what if something happened to him, god forbid. I can't really tell him how i feel either...don't want to bum him out. Hopefully i'll rally from this blip, you're so right i need to keep busy.

Love and hugs

23-01-10, 12:47
It seems your suffering from the 'what if' syndrome as well. Again, completely normal with separation anx. At least crying will reliease some of that bottled emotion. You dont need to tell him how you feel right now because that would prob make him feel guity or uncomfortable and then he will start to worry. Just think that every hour that passes, is an hour closer to seeing him again. Please DONT start working out the hours in 8 weeks either!!!!!!!

Go to bed earlier and get up later if you have to to make the days go quicker. Do things during the day to make time go quicker and make you tired so you'll sleep ok.

Xmas seems like last week but it's already over 3 weks gone.

23-01-10, 13:01
Thanks Horse

He just rang me and i'm afraid i just couldn't hold back the tears. But he was great, he told me he believed in me to get over this, as he's always done. It was great just to hear his voice. In the whole of my health i'm actually quite good living on my own, but i suppose i'm still recovering. I'm just wondering when the crying will end, i'll become dehydrated at this rate:D

Love ang Hugs

23-01-10, 13:12
That's great news........he must of heard us!

Keep fighting, sounds like you got a good guy there.

You'll stop crying when you are ready.

I'm not relligeous (cant even spell it) but apparently God is always with us by our side. Talk to him for strength and comfort and then send him round to my place!

23-01-10, 13:52
Thanks Horse

I do believe in God and know he's with you too. He is a great guy, i'm very lucky. I read so many stories on this forum of people whose partner's just don't get them, i really am blessed.

Love and Hugs