View Full Version : Sweating during a panic attack...

23-01-10, 12:37
Hi everyone:)

I've been having panic attacks for a few months now and there is one thing that puzzles me. Everytime I read a book or article about panic attacks, it always mentions people sweating a lot during one. I've had MANY panic attacks and only ever experienced sweating in my hands. Is is just me that doesn't find sweating a major symptom?:huh:


23-01-10, 14:50
I dont really have an issue with sweating either. I do notice that I find my self getting really hot, but not really enough to produce sweat, more like a hot flush.

I guess everyone experiences some differences in their symptoms at the time of an attack. What has been written about PA is just covering all the symptoms that have been related to it, doesnt mean to say you will get all of them yourself.
The main symptoms that I really notice and that bothers me are feeling faint, shortness of breath, blurred vision/cannot focus, heart pounding and hot flush.

23-01-10, 16:01
Many panic attacks and only a handful produced sweating and these were in warmish surroundings anyway. Normally, I do not sweat.....everyone different though.XX

24-01-10, 11:20
Only my hands as well, they get very cold and clammy. But I dont sweat anywhere else.

25-01-10, 10:27
No, my hands were the only thing that ever sweated. Shortly after feeling very hot they would become cold and clammy and stay that way for quite a while.

25-01-10, 11:08
Hi All

The published symptoms for PA's are generic...i don't get sweating at all. I get tight chest, pins and needles. But I'm seriously not bother by the physical effects, it's the horrendous thoughts, the fear of the fear that is what really disables me. Having a truly tough time at the moment after a week or so of feeling well. Really wish i could stabilise, can't take any more. Sorry for the moan

Love and Hugs