View Full Version : Diarrhea?

23-01-10, 13:34
Hi this is kind of embarrassing but, I have been having diarrhea for about 3 days now, and I didn't think much of it, but I looked it up and wikipedia says it kills 1.1 million people over the age of 5 per year so I started freaking out. I do not have a fever / blood in my stool / undigested foods which is what it says the 'complicated' cases are but I am really worried. How do I get rid of this? I am drinking lots of water trying not to get dehydrated. I don't know why I am so nervous over such a common thing. What foods should I eat?

Okay now my pee is clear which is making me more paranoid of being dehydrated like it's coming right out as soon as I drink it. Is this normal? How long does diarrhea usually last for? I am so paranoid I don't know why.

Okay I looked it up it actually means I am hydrated but I am still paranoid because of the 1.1 million per year statistic. I am eating a banana right now which is recommended. I can tell I'm gonna feel really stupid about making this thread in a few days but oh well.

23-01-10, 15:00
im glad you dont die that easy from it as ive had it nearly every day for over twenty years hun,,,some days worse than others,,,some days i can go upto five times in half hour other three four times a day,,to me its the norm,,im not dehydrated as i drink water like its going out of fashion,,ive not even lost weight with it ( worse luck lol). what i do know is the more i stress the more i run to the toilet,,which could be happening to you,,try to keep calm,,eat loads of dry foods or if you need something more,,veggie soups are light and sit very easy on the tummy,,try to eat a little at a time with less space inbetween,,but above all dont get yourself in a state it will only make it worse,,,and baby wipes help keep you clean with making you sore ,,hope ive helped ,,theresa x

23-01-10, 15:04
Thanks for responding. I feel a lot better now to know I don't have any of the 'serious' symptoms. I don't know why I freaked out so much. I sometimes have these 30 minute google freak outs, it's really annoying lol. I recently stopped drinking all caffeine, it might be a side affect from that, I never thought about it. I'll look into it.

Rachel W
26-01-10, 01:45
Also, if you were dehydrated you would absorb more water and not pee as much; also I believe that your urine would be dark, not paler. A great way to get rid of diarrhea though is to eat starchy foods like plain crackers and boiled or baked potatoes. Clears it right up!!!