View Full Version : Help :( Don't know what to do..

23-01-10, 15:57
The last few months have been the most horrendous thing i have ever been in my life.. I have had anxiety all my life but i think its been building up the last few years due to my agoraphobia and everything-phobia! I am constantly anxious i have like a million panic attacks today, i had one today where i was shaking for hours which hasn't happened since i was 15. I'm constantly depressed and crying, one person can say something to me and i cry for about 2 hours and then have a panic attack. My heart really hurts from shaking all day and my muscles are all weak and horrid *sniff*. I can barely get to work anymore its getting silly :( I don't know what to do.. I've tried CBT and hypnotherapy and everything, i can't take the drugs, i have some but i can't physically take them. Arg! Am feeling really sorry for myself and its stressing my boyfriend out as he has to look after me constantly. Its not good :weep: I just feel as though i'm losing it all the time i can't control anything anymore and it makes me angry then it makes me cry then i have a panic attack :( I used to be really chirpy even with just regular anxiety and phobias but i feel like they have 'upgraded' themselves. I just don't know what to do with myself ... :(


23-01-10, 16:10
Hi Jellie

Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad, how do you mean you can't take the meds? is it a swallowing problem? because they can really be beneficial


23-01-10, 16:43
Im not very good with advice but just felt you could do with a virtual hug (((((hug)))))) - I really do hope things improve for you hun x

23-01-10, 16:47
Thanks :( *hugs* I can't take them because i'm scared of the symptoms they will give me, i can't even hold them without having a panic attack. I can't even take vitamins for days on end without freaking out hehe..

23-01-10, 17:05
I understand your concern about the side effects of AD's, they really are no fun. But they probably wouldn't be any worse than how you feel at the moment. Good Diet and exercise are a good way forward, they produce real biochemical changes in the body. And as ever, if you haven't read them, the Claire Weekes books are great. Steer clear of caffine and booze and most of all keep occupied, in company if possible. There is no magic cure for anx, i find meds help a good bit, but you can still slide on them.

hoping you feel better soon
Love and Hugs:hugs:
