View Full Version : What is the point in me, feel so alone and cant stop crying....

23-01-10, 18:13
hi i dont really know where to start, in a nutshell i suffer with depression, anxiety and very low self esteem, today i have split with my partner as they were playing mind games with me and i cant take no more, im in pieces as i have no friends as not long moved to lincoln, iv made myself so ill over this relationship and i feel so weak, i cant handle my feelings and feel like my life has no point to it, im struggling to function and to carry on, my head hurts from so much crying, i just dont know anymore if i can cope with anymore life has to throw at me......

23-01-10, 20:07
Well for a start well done, if your not happy in a relationship and have the courage to end it then your stronger than you think. OK so its a really hard and sad time, but you will get there. Give yourself time to heal (corny I know) take each day, hour , minute as it comes, you may be going through a sort of grieving process, over what has happened and what could have happened. anyone in your position would be feeling down/depressed and anxious. Just remember you are worth more, and you've done something about it.
Good luck and big hugs:hugs:

23-01-10, 20:07
hi mate don't know what to say but hope you get better soon take care

23-01-10, 20:07
Sorry to hear how you are feeling.
Do you have any family who you can turn to? Is there anyone?
It is terrible when our relationships fall apart. Is there any chance your ex boyfriend will come back to you? However that said, he should not play mind games with you, and if the relationship was making you ill, then personally I think you are better off out of it.
They are bad enough, but even worse if you suffer with the depression, anxiety and low self esteem.
Life does have a point to it. We have to make our life. Life is not already pre mapped out for us. I don't believe so anyway. We can choose to improve it or we don't - sink or swim basically.
You have a right to be treated fairly and no one should be making you so upset. If the relationship was making you ill, then you will be better off now the r'ship has finished. You can concentrate on getting you better.
I feel sorry for how you are feeling. Is there anyone at all that you can turn to? Friends in the area that you lived in before you moved to Lincoln?
If you do find yourself really down, then why not give the Samaritans a call, or go into the chat room on here, where you will be able to get help. Keep posting as I am sure you will get many more replies.
Sending you hugs :bighug1:I hope you feel a bit less down soon.

23-01-10, 21:15
Hi lonelysoul,
Yes i think we all know on here how you are feeling, i have my wife and kids around me and still feel alone and isolated, so what it's like on your own i don't know, i can't imagine. What i do know from my own expeirances on here is all the people you talk to on here really do care about you. I have found that out, and it makes me feel so much better. On here your not on your own, were all going through it. I hope you feel better because as i have found out, there is not much worse than depression and all it's vices. I hope tomorrow is better for you,
Best Regards Redrainbow.

09-02-10, 19:11
thank you for all your replies, everyone seems so nice on here

09-02-10, 19:24
Hi lonelysoul, you are not alone here. We all understand. Must be difficult to break up even if it is for the better. Must still hurt. Best advice I can give is busy yourself as much as possible for now. If you just sit and think alot everything will feel so much worse. Keep talking to us if you need to. We are here.xx

09-02-10, 23:06
hi. i just wanted to say it will get better. i was where you are about a month ago. ive come out of a long term relationship and its taken me till now to realise what he was doing to me mentally. have you been to your doctor?? if you want to chat send me a pm. hugs. xxx

Vanilla Sky
09-02-10, 23:22
Hi lonely , just wanted to tell you we are here for you hun :hugs: Love Paige xx

23-02-10, 17:10

i live in lincoln i'm here if you want to talk xx

14-04-10, 01:49
my ex moved to lincoln when she left me for her boss....

14-04-10, 11:48
totally natural to feel the way you do but you need to start turning it around and understand that your ex was not right for you otherwise the relationship would not have ended and so there is someone out there who is x

14-04-10, 13:42
Hi Lonely

Just to let you know you are not alone ... we are here for you and no matter how you feel please don't ever feel you cannot come on and talk ..

I'm very similar I'm a distance from my family and I can feel very alone.. but coming on and talking to such genuine people who understand not only gives me company but also sometimes they take you away from what is bothering you and heaven forbid sometimes I actually sit here laughing out loud ... what must my neighbours think!!!!

Hope that one day we'll see you in chat sure it will cheer you up x

17-04-10, 16:38
Hi just read what you have put and I think you was so courageous to split with someone just wasnt happy with. I know how you feel to be lonely. Things will get better. I have split with my partner as well and i know what you are going through. I lost touch with my friends when I was in a relationship and friends are so important. A suggestion why dont you do something like join your local gym.

Hope you feel better soon