View Full Version : please help-blood in mouth -so scared

pussy cat
23-01-10, 22:03
i,ve come accross this site by accident & have realised that i,m not on my own worrying constantly that something bad is wrong with me-i,ve been like this for a number of years now but i thought i had it under contol but i haven,t.my old doctor retired 18 months ago & i have been worse since-he was a lovely man & had been my doc for many years-when i went to see him my symptoms seemed to pale into insignificance as he made light of everything & i felt so much better-my new doctor is good but the magic cure is not there,i hope you can relate to what i am saying - anywayi am sitting here now terrified of what might be wrong with me - again.
i am in my early 60s normal weight & height but suffer with my chest-i have had chronic bronchitis for many years & doc told me ages ago that he would suspect slight emphasimia-i do get chest infections although the last 2yrs or so i have been on a new inhaler-a powdered one - budesonide - 2 puffs morning & night & my breathing is much better & only 1 infection-i don,t even need to use my ventolin inhaler anymore - anyway last april/may i got up 1 morning & blood was in my mouth-bright red,only a small amount & gone within seconds-it was like a small nose bleed but in the mouth,no pain or soreness & couldn,t make out where it had come from-as i hadn,t been rinsing my mouth out after taking my inhaler as you are told to for many weeks previously i thought this maybe the problem so from then on i rinsed out as i should-10 weeks later it happened again,6 weeks later again & now 18 weeks later again.the amount of blood is no more than the first time & its finished in seconds-after the 3rd time i saw the doc - he examined my mouth with his finger & obviously looked at my throat-couldn,t see anything & said that the majority of the time its a dental problem & if it happens again see the dentist-this is awful as i am terrified of dentists.i don,t think it is coming from my teeth or gums because when it happens i feel it on the back of my tounge-iv,e googled it for a simple explanation or at least has anyone else experienced it-could it be as a noose bleed is a small blood vessel bursting? please someone suggest something quite simple it could be & not all the bad things.i,m not coughing or vomiting it up & the fact that it,s happening many weeks apart & not all the time is that better than it happening constantly-please help with a suggestion i may sleep tonight then.thankyou very much

23-01-10, 22:21
It's not easy getting older, is it? I'm the same age as you are. Strange things seem to happen to us!

Anyhow, just figuring that this has been happening sporadically for almost a year and the amount of blood hasn't increased, it doesn't seem llike it could be anything serious. You may had have a slight nose bleed where the small amount of blood dripped to the back of the throat.

Please try to relax and sleep well tonight.

23-01-10, 22:28
I have had exactly this. I won't say the 'D' word I know you don't want to hear but would suggest you think two things: -'Teeth' and 'Very easily remedied'.

Very best


23-01-10, 23:49
Hiya pussy cat.

My husband suffered with this quite a few times during last year, it turned out to be bleeding gums, all sorted with a little scale and polish:) x

pussy cat
24-01-10, 00:13
to the 3 members who have replied to me i can,t thank you enough-someone to just speak to who has listened has helped,trying to calm myself & stop constantly looking in my mouth & waiting for a warm feeling at the back of my tounge-i,ve got to pull myself together

24-01-10, 02:16
Like me, you may be grinding your teeth at night or clenching your jaw without realising it as a reaction to anxiety. All this puts pressure on the poor old nashers!:D