View Full Version : scared please help

23-01-10, 23:13
my name is lynn i suffer with gad fo the las couple of momths it has been under control untill last wenesday i took my daughters to have is six week check doc said he thinks he has aheart momour thats what started my aniexty off again i am really scared of the feelings i sometimes walk the street at night is anyone eles scared of the feelings i cant eat or sleep when i get the panic why do i get it tis badanyune elws scared of feeling:shades:


23-01-10, 23:55
i have one it was told me at 21 i still here dont worry

23-01-10, 23:57
its the aniexty that i am worried about do you get it this bad and how do you cope:shades:

25-01-10, 03:07
Hi Lynn,

Have you had a look at the information pages here, they are full of useful and positive things you can do to help get your anxiety back under control.


Was good chatting with you and I hope you get good news about your grandson soon
