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23-12-05, 16:48
I'm sorry to go on and on with this, but I just can't get over those symptoms. :(

My breathing is irregular, there is no pattern or rhythm whatsoever in the way that I breathe. I feel smothered most of the time, like I just can't breathe right. I also feel like I'm breathing very slowly, my heartbeat is also very slow and I'm afraid that I will stop breathing and die. Sometimes I realise that I'm breathing, but I feel like I'm not. I constantly worry that I might have done serious damage to my heart and to my respiratory system. Not to mention the constant breathing awareness, noticing every breath I take ... it's exhausting. I think that's already turned into an obsessive compulsive thing. It's so hard for me to stop realizing that I'm breathing and to stop trying to consciously control it. I worry that I will never be able to stop, that I will be aware of my breathing forever.

And I also have this weird sensation - it's as if the air hits my throat right away, without passing through my nose. It's as if I have been intubated and the air directly enters my trachea. The air feels so weird and unnatural in my throat. Why could that be happening? It seriously affects the way I talk, also eating and drinking. When I go to bed I'm afraid to fall asleep because I think that I will stop breathing. Sometimes, usually shortly after I have managed to finally fall asleep, I wake up with the sensation that my heart has stopped and I have to struggle to breathe. And also when fully awake, every now and then I have these sensations of my heart stopping for a couple of seconds. Kind of like skipped beats, but not quite. My mouth feels weird, and so does my throat ... I have this weird feeling that I might choke on my tongue, I don't know why but it just feels strange in my mouth. I clench my jaws a lot, so they also feel weird. Sometimes I get this clicking sound when I swallow ... and I'm always afraid that I will not be able to swallow and choke.

The breathing/swallowing/mouth-throat-trachea thing makes kissing my boyfriend a torture. I'm afraid to kiss him for fears of being unable to breathe and swallow right. Now how crazy is that! Not to mention the dry mouth thing ...

Everything that was once normal and natural is now weird and stressing.

It's Christmas time ... I wish I could feel normal at least now :( Instead I walk around the house dizzy, spaced out, struggling to breathe and with a mind full of irrational thoughts. Couldn't even go out and shop. I hate this!

24-12-05, 15:32
I just wanted to ask if anyone else has had a similar experience because I'm seriosuly stressing myself over these sensations, wondering whether it's anxiety or something else. Thanks

24-12-05, 16:27

There is an awful lot of I feel and It seems in there but very few facts.

Our feelings can deceive us constantly as they are so closely linked to our thoughts which control how we feel.

If you concentrate on any boldily process enough it will seem/ feel unnatural.

You know that due to blood gases that it is impossible to stop breathing just like that ..

*I clench my jaws a lot, so they also feel weird. Sometimes I get this clicking sound when I swallow * Sounds TMJ like

Pain in Jaw,cheek bones and around eyes (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2475)
Another little question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787)
[Link removed as post deleted]

Nothing you write is unusual in anxiety where our thoughts and fears can overtake the most basic of activities..

Go for a brisk walk/ do some exercise and feel the breath/heart rate change as your demand due to the exercise dictates rather than your thoughts about it.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-12-05, 17:43
Thanks Meg I just needed someone to talk to me.

I find it hard to cope with the pressure of the holidays, with all those relatives that are visiting. My dad's sleeping in my room, and he snores really bad, so I can't sleep all night long and feel stressed and nervous. I have no personal space anymore and it makes me anxious and panicky. Plus, I couldn't go out and buy my bf a present, so I feel guilty about that. I feel miserable and want the holidays to be over, can't enjoy myself at all. :(