View Full Version : lady problems.. help?

24-01-10, 03:19
i thought i was doing soo well with the HA and had it under control for awhile. i'm so embarrassed to be asking this and sorry if its a bit graphic but i really have no one to turn to at the moment. i was washing in the shower and noticed a bump on my outter vaginal lip. it feels as though its there but i cannot see it. it feels as though it is 3 mm long. it does not itch nor burn. it is at my pubic region. i also feel a dull pain in my inner thigh. haven't had sex in over a year and a half and that was with two partners who both wore condoms. they were not promiscuous either.

so after a year and a half of not having sex, im baffled yet still scared over what this could be. should i be worried?

any replies would be very appreciated!!

24-01-10, 03:34
Could it be an ingrown hair?:blush:

24-01-10, 03:42
could be? but i thought those were pretty noticeable pimple-like things. i cant see this at all, but can feel it

24-01-10, 09:14
Could it be your vein? I know it sounds odd but I have a raised vein down there, normal apparently. You can't really see it, just feel it and not the whole vein just a section that seems raised

24-01-10, 12:43
Might be a pimple or ingrown hair. these things come & go. Try not to worry since you're not sexually active. I'm sure it's harmless & will go off in time.

24-01-10, 14:09
i don't think it's a vein.. but i'm starting to believe it is an ingrown hair. i took a long hot bath last night, woke up and it seems to have become smaller in size. ahhh a week of worrying. i need to stop! if it's not one "problem", it's always another...

thank you for the replies, everyone :)