View Full Version : Not doing great today......

24-01-10, 15:27
Hi all

Not having a great day today my hubby has been a bit ill he suffers alot with mouth ulcers which make him very miserable i try to be ok so i do not add to his problems and find myself getting worse because i feel alone i do not mean to be this selfish :weep:

I woke up this morning with a shocking headache i had my brekkie and took some paras it has took it off for the most part still there like a dull ache but i have a twitching in my right eye had it all day it is driving me mad

I am also worried bacause my hubby works nights for a large supermarket and he is a manager he had his review the night before last and they asked him if he had any problems at home because he looks tired and run down all the time i feel really guilty like i am bringing him down i eed to get myself right

Thanks for reading guys

24-01-10, 18:24
Aww sounds like you are having a day of punishing yourself today hun.

Dont be hard on yourself have a :bighug1:i hope tomorrow is better for you.


24-01-10, 19:14
Hi Honeybee

Thanks for your reply i think you are right feel so guilty sometimes thanks for the :hugs:i hope tomorrow is better too


24-01-10, 19:17
Hi scaredcaz, first time i av posted on here, i am having terrible weekend, hoping this site will help me in some way, i av appt at the docs tomorrow, hopefully they will be some sort of help...hope u feel better tomoz:hugs:

24-01-10, 19:21
Hi scaredcaz,
Your not on your own on here, i know things can really get you down sometimes can't they. Don't feel guilty it's not your fault, if you don't feel well yourself what else can you do. Don't worry things will get better,
Regards Redrainbow.

24-01-10, 19:23
Your husband will be like the rest of us and have his up n down days. Don't take it personally. You can't be responsible for everyone else's moods. Also lots of people look tired and rundown just now - January is a horrible month. We all need some sun:)

24-01-10, 23:22
Hi Guys

Thanks for all your kind replies

i wish i had come on here sooner today i have kinda worried myself into a frenzy all my anxiety symptoms are back my back aches my arms i have acid something in my throat i,m tired and my headache is still there a little

My hubby seems alot better today so thats good i think i ate too late also which dose,nt help my hands feel stiff when i clench my fist anyone else get this?

and i have a inner vibration i read a couple of posts on this recently i have been getting this a while like a buzzing feeling round my left side i think it is connected to ibs?

what do you think guys?

Thanks again :hugs:

24-01-10, 23:31
irl when i dont know what to say i hug sum1 so on here when i dont knwo what to write i send hugs ... :hugs: xxxxxxxxx