View Full Version : In a panic!!!!!

24-01-10, 16:20
I just finished taking Ciproflaxin 500mg 2 x a day for 10 days Thursday evening for a tonsil infection. During the 10 days I have been nauseated, had abdominal pain especially in upper right region especially in one spot about 1 inch below my rib cage and going into lower right back, I have been pressing on the area and "thought" I found a knot about the size of a pea, pressed it so much and so hard it is now sore and bruised, frequent belching, loss of appetite, weight loss (6-9 pounds in the 10 days), has done a number on my bowel movements, now I am constipated...have the urge to go but then can't... All of these symptoms started while I was taking the course of Ciproflaxin. Are all of these symptoms of the medicine? When will it completely be out of my system and when I can expect relief from these symptoms? Nausea seems to have dissipated.. All of this has me scared to death. Even though in the back of my mind I think it is from the med I cannot keep my mind from wandering into thinking I have some kind of cancer, colon, liver, pancreatic....I'm a complete MESS!!

24-01-10, 16:52
Hello LA

i'm not on any medicine but it sounds like these are all symptoms of the Ciproflaxin. If you had no trouble with this before you started then i am sure its just this, the body has loads of lumps and bumps so dont worry about this one because you have the thought in your head of cancer then every single thing you'll find will just egg you on. so stop this thinking in its tracks.

i'm sure if you rest up and take a few days, lots of water you'll feel better

take care


24-01-10, 16:53
hi hun

sorry not feeling good, i too am on a course of antibiotics atpresent and i feel absolutly rubbish, nausea, stomach pains, hot, dizzy.... your mind wanders when you domnt feel well and if your anything like me i panick just taking the tablet, which brings on a whole new set of symptoms, dont forget your probably still feeling low from the tonsilitus and antibiotics do make you have the poos, which then after do make you a bit constipated, try not to worry( harder said than done).
take care x