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View Full Version : Psychiatrist recommended i take time off work sick...but so scared!

24-01-10, 17:39
Hello all. I need advice because i really don't know what to do. In the summer of 09 i went for my first job interview in 12 years and got the job!! I was ecstatic and elated, but very nervous. Anyway by the time all my CRB checks had come back ect i had had a breakdown in September and was admitted to the psychiatric unit. I spent 3 weeks in there and when i came out i had a letter from work asking me if i was still interested in the job. Of course i was, so i phoned them and they began putting my file together.
Then in the last week of October i was admitted again after self harming. I was diagnosed with severe depression, generalised anxiety and OCD. I spent another two weeks in the unit. I phoned work and told them i was very sorry but i was ill in hopsital and couldn't start as yet. I never told them why and thankfully they never asked. The problem is my job is support work and i was terrified they would sack me if they found out about my history or background.
I was recently taken off my original medication of Escitalopram (10mg) to Citalopram (40mg). I was also taking Temazepam for the night time, or Zopiclone. So during work i was constantly tired and constantly yawning, like the temazepam was lasting throughout the next day. Then i began crying again and the intrusive thoughts were popping in again, i was begining to feel depressed again. It's not just the job it was the pressure and the stress of working then running a home and looking agter the kids as a single parent. I just cant cope with all. When i come home from work its gone 6pm and the kids dont get their tea until gone 7pm. I cant actually sit down and relax until almost 10pm.
As soon as i get in from work i get angry and start crying, i am in a bad mood and just want to scream. Of course this isnt good for my boys, i love them dearly and i hate being like that around them. I have also been having constant nightmares of being back in the unit because i cant cope and it really frightens me because i dont want to be back there. In turn my drinking has increased to block out the stress.
Anyway last week i had an appointment with my consultant and he has said i am depressed again, but didnt think another admission was the answer, this i was pleased about. He said i may be crying a lot because my medication has changed and its having an impact on my moods. He also suggested that with all the pressure of work and home-life that i take two weeks off work sick. My problem with this is that i wont get paid for sick time. Another issue is that we are immensley short staffed and i would hate to drop them in it like that, then finally what if i have to tell them why? I already feel bad for not being honest in the first place, but because of the nature of my job im scared of being fired. It would look dreadful on my CV, my first job in 12 years and i get sacked!
The other problems with my job is that they are always changing my rota...i am forever changing appoinments on my days off cos my shift pattern changes so much. Even my kids dentist kicked them out because i failed to keep to appointments, all because of work. Then of course i have been battling trying to justify being a support worker but have one of my own...it's just seems crazy to me. With me having a support worker of my own, i find it hard to get things off my chest because of work i never get to see her and then things get built up and i end up exploding! This is where you lot come in...Really sorry if i have bored you, i just don't know what to do for the best...its so hard and im really rubbish at making decisions.
I either give up work for good or go on the sick, either would be bad cos i will have no money. I'm scared and stressed and feeling very low...again sorry for the long thread.

Kez xx

claire m
24-01-10, 17:54
hi kerry really in my opinion i would take the time off work regardless of what happens as i really think you need sometime to recover from all you have been through and also just to get your medication sorted.
i think if you are honest with your bosses they will appreciate it and it might even work out for the best as you could maybe cut back some hours and tell them you need some kind of permanent shift pattern if you are to return not just for yourself but for your boys too.:hugs:.
My mum uses a phrase and its 'health is wealth' I dont like it as its not quite as easy as that.
sorry i cant be more help but maybe someone on here is a bit more clued up on your rights for time off work. or this might be something you could look into with your support worker before any decision is made.
thinking of you lots.

24-01-10, 19:04
I really feel for you. What a difficult position to be in. Yes, I'd definitely take time off work. Your health does come first. You won't get a medal for carrying on and you'll be no better thought of. If you have to leave this job it doesn't mean you'll never get another job in the future It'll be a weight off your shoulder if you don't have to go to work each day. The rota thing is a piece of nonsense - they can't chop and change it whenever it suits them. Think about YOU for once and your well-being. Your job will be there when you're not. It'll also give you more time to spend with the kids because they grow up so fast and you'll never get that time back.


24-01-10, 20:27
I know what your saying and in a way deep down i know what i should do...i just cant make that move. I was even considering giving up work and going back to college, but im worried i wont get any benefits cos i would have given up work.
Im just not sure i am cut out for this kind of work, this breaks my heart because its a career i have always wanted. I have had so much help and support throughout my life from all sorts of different proffesions and i just wanted to give something back. As i can relate and have empathy for my client. I just didnt realise life would be this hard in the world of work.

claire m
24-01-10, 20:36
is there anywhere where you can get professional advice before you make a decision?

24-01-10, 21:24
Not really, although i am seeing my GP on Tuesday morning and my support worker.

25-01-10, 00:26
hey shotokansho yeah speak to your support worker and GP.
try not to make an un-informed quick decision because you will recover from this set back.

congrats on getting the role as support worker. its really great that you want to give back and im sure your excellent at your job so it would be ashame to give up.

However you should put yourself first so if you are ill right now take time of sick. You are entitled to that.

all the best on your decision.

25-01-10, 09:36
I am really proud of this job and i really dont want to loose it, but what if i take the two weeks off sick like my psychiatrist recommended and i just end up the same when i return to work?
Last night i was washing the dishes and i cut my hand to shreds on a broken glass. There was blood everywhere, it was awful. Because of this (i thin) it set me off to having a bad night. I was awake most of the night and i was very anxious and having bad dreams and thoughts.
My hand is throbbing this morning, i cant even put my hand in my pocket cos it hurts to much. Anyway i couldnt function very well this morning so i called in sick. I did my mention my hand but they asked too many questions, so i ended up telling of my depression and anxiety issues. I didnt tell about the self harm or hospital admissions. Now im just waiting to speak to my boss, i have a horrible feeling i am going to loose my job, i am a very honest person and i cannot lie, it turn my stomche.
Anyway will let you all know how i get on...thanks for all your replies.

25-01-10, 09:59
I really feel for you. The fact that you really want this job shows that you do want to help yourself. Being at work, feeling stressed and looking after children is hard work though. You are only human. Telling your boss that you have suffered from anxiety and depression is only telling them the truth. There is no shame here. You have been upfront. You can't choose how they are going to react to it but you have done nothing wrong. If you do lose this job then it doesn't mean you'll never get a chance again. Maybe in a while you'll better and more able to cope. It's difficult to put everything into a job if you are feeling low. I'm also sorry about your poor hand. I'd concentrate on getting better. Look after yourself and your family. I know financially it can't be easy but your health and wellbeing definitely come first. Taking time out might be what you need and don't beat yourself up.

claire m
25-01-10, 10:05
hiya i think you should tell your boss about your illness but how much you tell them is up to you. I think it would take a lot of pressure off you if you told them and you would then feel like you have nothing to hide from them it might even pick you up abit.
Surely they cant sack you for being ill whether its depression or diabetes its an illness all the same. I know this is really hard for you :hugs:

25-01-10, 18:21
Hey all. Thanks for all the replies and support. I have cried all day, i just couldn't stop myself. My boss now knows and i have the official two weeks off. I really dont think i will be going back, weather they sack me or not. I'm just not ready for work, and certainly not in that capacity..i just needed to admit that, but i am totally gutted and very depressed.
Anyway i have had a good think today and i have decided i am going to use these two weeks to really contemplate things and have a real good think over what things i need to change. I am thinking maybe could have these two weeks rest and then maybe do some kind of study, play some sport or maybe look for voluntary work in a charity shop or something. I just know that i cant put to much on myself and over-do it.
As for my hand i had it checked today because it split open and began pouring with blood again. I went to the walk-in clinic and they stitched it. So i feel pain now in more ways than one. I'm going to take something tonight to help me sleep i'm exhausted.
I'm just so scared now of how my life is now going to go. Anyway thank you so much everyone.

Kerry xxxx

claire m
25-01-10, 18:55
i think you have done the right thing kerry. who knows by the end of the 2 weeks things may seem a bit clearer and you will have more of an idea which way you want to take your career.
If you dont return to work and receive benefits maybe you could do the studying you wanted to do because maybe you will be entitled to free education.
Do you feel a bit of relief telling your boss about your illness?
love and hugs

25-01-10, 19:07
Kerry I think you've done the right thing. You need to take time out for you. You could feel so much better a few weeks from now. Better days will be round the corner. You won't always feel as bad as this if you take the time to look after yourself. You are a good person and deserve to get better. I hope you start to feel better soon.

25-01-10, 20:18
Thank-you. I do feel a little relief telling my boss because i felt i was lying to them, and i am much to honest for that...But on the same note i just dont know whats going to happen now.
I'm scared of going to bed tonight and am contemplating taking a zopiclone because i feel so exhausted. Just trying to justify all this is exhausting. But i need sleep and i am seeing my GP very early in the morning.
Will keep you posted xxxxxxxx

08-02-10, 16:27
Hi there
I am new heree - but I feel like I am in a similar position to you...

I moved to my current home in August last year...got offered a permanent job within weeks of moving...was ecstatic....new home, new job...hopefully a new bunch of friends...

but I've been suffering from depression and anxiety since I was a child...and the last few months have been horrific....I've taken so much time off work, for various reasons...op, being snowed in etc....and now I've been written off sick for 2 weeks....I'm petrified of losing this job...but at the same time I too scared to leave the house somedays...

Its hard...just wondered if you felt like talking to someone who kind of understood how you feel....