View Full Version : Dentist appointment tomorrow! Why me? lol

24-01-10, 18:15

Just wanted to share with you my fear about going to the dentist tomorrow..
I've been there a couple of times not long ago and was so anxious. It was really warm in there and I kept thinking I was going to faint..

When I got in the room the last time I just wanted to run back out, but made myself look ok and told the dentist I was nervous. He didn't say anything just looked at me which made me feel awkward and embarrassed.

Anyway, my husband is coming with me, but I'm scared I will feel faint and won't be able to stay there, or panic and will look like an idiot.. I try to laugh at it, but knowing I would have to sit there for nearly 30 mins scares me!!!!!

Trying to think positive..

24-01-10, 19:15
Take a bottle of water with you and sip it while you are waiting. You won't faint. Dentist waiting rooms are chock full of anxious patients, so you are not alone. The dentist himself must have been told numerous times that people are anxious. You are not alone here. No-one really likes the dentist, it's just a nuisance we have to put up with every now and again!! It'll be over before you know it.

24-01-10, 20:38
hun i really sympathise

i have a major fear of the dentist too.

i was supposed to have 4 teeth out under i v sedation just before xmas but i never turned up for the appointment :( i have now got to go see the consultant in 2 weeks and am dreading it.

what are you having done at the dentist is it a check up?


24-01-10, 20:46

Sorry to hear about the dentist thing, I know some of us are just generally scared of the dentist, but its completely different to feel faint, sick, and uncomfortable.

Today, 3rd time under IV sedation, honestly you wont remember a thing. Recovery time really quick, aneathtist explains exactly what is going to happen. It really is worth it if you are really anxious. You will come round and probably not remember much of it at all.

Hope that helps


24-01-10, 20:59
Thank you for your support. It's actually just a filling and shouldn't be too bad but i just think what if i panic on the chair and make myself look crazy.. or feel faint and faint on the chair and then wake up freaking out.. I try not to think about it but it's so scary.. luckily my appointment is the last one (just before 5) so hoping there won't be too many people in..
Told my hubby I'm scared and he just said he'd be there laughing.. He can't understand this fear so hope i could just float with the panic or faint feelings..


25-01-10, 21:11
Just wanted to say I exhausted myself all last night and today just thinking about going to the dentist..
I went out with my husband in the car for a drive and then went home, got ready and went there. I got there and I was so anxious!! I really thought I couldn't go through it.
I sat there waiting for 10 mins, which helped me to calm down abit. I felt ok! I didn't panic or faint. Then the dentist called me and I was there for 20 mins. Told him I was nervous, but I just stayed there with all the anxiety.
I was so glad when it was over!
I even went to the pub after that with my husband. There were quite alot of people there but I was so happy I didn't care! :)
We stayed there for an hour and went home.

I guess there is hope after all!
Shame I tortured myself all day by just thinking about it!!!!

Cat :)