View Full Version : Ciprolax

24-01-10, 18:41

I have just joined your site so I feel like a bit of an outsider but I was prescribed Ciproloax 8 days ago due to severe anxiety and panic attacks. The sickness, thirst and headaches are horrendous. I know they are side affects but any idea how long they will last? I am taking 5mg per day. Not seen much difference yet. Any advice?

Thanks x

24-01-10, 18:42
:welcome: aboard.

I assume you mean Cipralex?

If so then have a read of the posts in this specific forum..


Lovely to see you here as well.

24-01-10, 18:43
Hi catlady3

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-01-10, 04:06
Hello there

Welcome to NMP! theres lots of helpful information here.

Its really good to have you with us!

You will have lots of love and support here!! welcome. :hugs:

Veronica H
25-01-10, 08:18
:welcome:Catlady. Glad that you have found us.


25-01-10, 10:36
Hi Catlady

I took Cipralex last year and really regret ever that i stopped. It worked well but took about 5 weeks and a dosage uppage to 15mg before i started to see significant improvement. I know it seems like i long time, but it seems to be a good med. I'm on Seroxat at the moment and really struggling, 3 months in and i can't seem to stabilise at all. Having a very bad time. I was great after 3 months on the cipralex.

Stick with them catlady
Love and Hugs

25-01-10, 19:18
I am on Cipralex. I was prescribed it just before Christmas, my dosage is 10mg.
I have not had side affects but was warned I could have them. My Doctor also said they could take 10 days or more for me to feel the affects.
I still had an occasional 'wobble' for a while after taking them but now I feel OK and I'm sure its helping me a great deal.
Stick with them, they do take a while.

13-02-10, 16:39
Many thanks for your replies. I am now on week four and my GP on Thursday increased my dose to 10mg per day. I still feel no different, very panicky when I go out, especially when queuing or in busy areas. My legs go wobbly, my heart races, I overheat and feel like I am going to faint or be sick. I will keep taking the tablets though. I am determined to beat this. I am to see my GP again on the 4th March - I will keep you updated.

One of the main side effects I now have (thank goodness the rest seem to have subsided) is weakness and tingling in my legs and arms and feeling very tired. I cannot stop yawning. Is this usual?

Again, many thanks for your help and advice.


04-04-10, 16:17

Hi, Just a quickie by way of update.

Well now into week 12 of cipralex and to be honest the progress has been long and hard, but I think now that it is finally starting to have some impact on me. I still get very panicky and nervous when out shopping but nowhere near as bad as I used to. I used to think all the time about panic attacks but that is getting less and less now also.

So please anybody who has just started this medication keep with it. I was so tempted at one point to give up as I thought it was not working. But I would have been crazy to do that.

I will update again in a week or so. Back to see my GP on the 7th May. He did mention about reducing my dose back down to 5mg per day next time I saw him. I don't think I am ready for that yet.

Bye now.
