View Full Version : What thoughts can stop the awful ones

24-01-10, 19:12
Well took my usuall long walk this afternoon (despite the rainy weather), to tire me out a little, went to some woods i know miles away, went to be alone to think, try and work things out a little in my mind. But that's when the deep thoughts started to creep in again, you know dragging me deeper and deeper into thought, thoughts that i don't really need right now. Once they start i can't get rid of them, it's like a headache almost without the pain though, so constant. I got fairly upset by it, but picked it all up a little. I just wish i could block those thoughts out altogether.
I hate being male and having this illness, as i'm not sure it's as easy for a man to express his inner feelings openly. But i really have no choice i have to get it all out in the open i can't just let it fester and grow inside my head, that's what led me to this point.

I'm sorry guys and girls i'm getting boring arn't i. I'm at home again now and a little better. You know it's just like,,,,,You never know when the awful smoothering thoughts are going to start up do you, i just wish i could lock that part of my head up and stop them getting out,
Anyone know what the hell i'm on about? Sometimes i wonder if i really know.:wacko:

24-01-10, 19:35

Thank you for the post the other day it was really kind of you....

I do understand those thoughts and I fight them every day...sometimes it seems easier than others... but I learnt from my counsellor that it is all part of a negative thought process... I tend to try and either avoid certain things which I know isn't good or if a nice thought comes into my head I am learning to enjoy that thought and then quickly move away from it and focus on anything, anything at all even a leaf blowing along, to watch how and the colours...sad maybe but not as bad as when I started my counsellors advice and would actually say NO out loud when things popped into my head...

It is apparently an automatic thoughts process and one that CBT will be looking at.. I don't know if it will work for you but I'd honestly say try it... it will at least assist in your days if not cure the problem completely...it sure does give me a little break. It takes a determined view and that is the problem when I am hitting a low if I can't pull out of it those negative thoughts can still win..darn them ha ha..

Give it a whirl though... be stubborn and as soon as you have that nice thought enjoy and move away by concentrating on anything ... even think of your fav song and sing it out in your head..

Negative thought...say NO whether out loudly or again in your head and then again concentrate on something else... and I mean anything... I will look at my mobile phone... think of songs .... or just be daft for a bit and it really does help...relaxation music also helps cos it makes me listen to the sounds rather than think anything for a little bit...

Its a long journey but we can do it I'm sure we can... wish the CBT didn't take soooooo long to arrive.. sometimes its the waiting game that makes the negatives come back in...but we will win through.... YOU GO.... YAY x

24-01-10, 19:42
Hi Sharon,
I have just read your post twice, and it makes GREAT sense it really does, and today i tried thinking of other things but everytime my mind wondered back on to the negative thoughts again, like it was obsessed with the more negative things. It was a battle for a good couple of hours or more. I hate it when it gets like that it's pure hell it drags me into.
I like the bit where you say act daft, now that appeals to me right now, i might try that, anything is better than the torturous thoughts.

24-01-10, 21:27
Hi there,

I think this is what Sharon is describing http://mbct.co.uk/ I've used it and it does really help.

In my experience and from what my therapist has tried to teach me, actively trying to 'stop' thoughts doesn't work because it gives them power to scare you so they come back worse. Instead notice the thoughts you're having and said 'ok...you can think that' and get on with whatever you're doing. Don't try and work out why you're thinking what you're thinking or how to get rid of it.

Good luck

24-01-10, 22:53
hi there,
Are you talking about intrusive thoughts as i suffer with them too i can control them now but a few years ago they scared the hell out of me..you can and you will get to grips with them...goodluck.x

25-01-10, 09:20
The thoughts i'm talking about take me into a complete new world and overtake almost everything in my head, they take me into a almost complete fantasy world for long periods, and not often in a nice way. It's difficult to explain them as there so personal. All i know is when i have had them i always feel completely down, like i don't want to be who i am. It's not really nice not being in control of your thoughts very often.
I now have a good friend on here who i can really talk too, i trust her because i know she is going through the same sort of thing. I have a few friends on here now, but outside this site i don't have any friends, not one!