View Full Version : when will i ever feel normal

24-01-10, 20:53
first i was i had this palpitations now i have a stange feeling around my neck like someone is puting a hand around my neck and feeling of my face being tight before this i thought i had lump in my thourt and trouble swallowing
has anyone else had these symptoms

24-01-10, 20:58
Ahoy there shipmate!
How are you doing? How long have you been suffering like this? Have u been to the docs?
Post back, so I can then go into greater detail as to what advice i can try and give you.
S x

24-01-10, 21:02
had palpitions on and off few months now but this neck thing since last week
cheers shipmate

24-01-10, 21:13
Are you on medication? if so, how much and how long?

24-01-10, 21:35
hiya shipmate x

I know exactly what your talking about especially with the tight feeling across the face, I find that I get this when im feeling even slightly anxious, which then leads to my jaw muscles clenching, leading to a headache arghhhh which then leads me to start feeling even more anxious and on it goes. I find that sitting down and doing the 7/11 breathing (breath in through your nose for seven seconds and out through your mouth for 11 seconds) generally starts to relax all my muscles and hey presto the horrible tight feeling disapears....although when ever I do the 7/11 I find I fall asleep very quickly after lol not always a bad thing x

24-01-10, 22:25
Hi thank for your replys
no i am not taking anything at the moment

24-01-10, 22:40
Sounds just like tension to me. I have had it a long time, the feeling in your neck is tight muscles... I get it in my head too...

It will go.... x x x

24-01-10, 22:44
Big thank you for all your replys i do not know if anyone is like me but i seem to be thinking of this neck feeling all the time
cheers shipmate

25-01-10, 10:59
hi again shipmate,

I think it's all part and parcel of anxiety, us anxious people seem to get an ache or pain and dwell on it or think that its something terrible when really it isnt. it;s the anxiety and constant over thinking that seems to magnify every twinge we get. its a cycle that im still trying to break...arghhh.. Like Loulabelle said, it is more than likley tension. Try having a nice warm bath a couple of paracetomol and try to read a book to take your mind off of things. I hope you feel better soon x

20-02-10, 09:42
Hi everyone. I started to get tension headaches about a year ago. Sometimes they can last for a couple of months. I have had anxiety for 5 years now but because I had never experienced these strange headaches before I started to panic and thought that I had a brain tumour. I was prescribed amitriptyline but it didn't help and it also gave me extra migraines. I persisted in going to my doctor I finally got an mri scan in january and found out that it was clear just a few days ago. So now I know that the headaches we are all obviously suffering from are not dangerous. So if any of you have been worrying that something bad is going to happen to you don't. The best thing to do is to try not to worry ( I know it's hard !) Now that I know I'm not terminally ill the headaches aren't as regular but I still wake up with my nerves on edge everyday. Does anybody know of any medication that helps withthe anxiety side of things ? Natalie x :)

20-02-10, 11:13
Hi Shipmate.
Im afraid its classic anxiety symptoms you are suffering from.
Try and switch focus (so easy to say).

surround yourself in the things you enjoy and you will realise one day that the symptoms have just dissapeared. Anxiety is incredibly powerful and tends to manifest itself in strange ways!

You will be fine, dont let the anxiety win!!

20-02-10, 11:19
Hi natalie B.
I went through exactly the same thing, unfortunately my father died of a Brain tumour, so every time i got a headache i was convinced thats what I had.
I was too scared to go to the doctors so I just lived with it for 3 months, The headaches would be incredibly severe.
I went to talk to my Mother in the end, she had nursed my father and the strange thing is that he only got headaches at the end of his illness!! They tend to be one of the last symptoms apparently?? So its likely your headache is just a headache, which of course is caused by your anxiety causing tension... blah blah blah!!
Glad your feeling better hope my little ramble has helped anyone who is concerned about headaches!