View Full Version : Earache

24-01-10, 21:02
Hey, had an earache on and off although more on than off since last night. i keep linking everything back to my wisdom teeth problems. could it be to do with my wisdom teeth? do you think its serious? any ideas. please help. i rarely get earache and im freaked out.

please reply
love louise

24-01-10, 22:28
anyone? im so scared coz i now feel really dizzy and i'm starting to burn up. is this the panic setting in or is something wrong with me?
please reply
love louise

24-01-10, 22:33
Could be a wee infection? I'd take some paracetamol and see if that makes any difference. I honesly don't think it's anything serious. If it persists then your doctor could have a wee look. Could be one of these things that go as quick as it comes, with no explanation!!

26-01-10, 01:20
Hey, i still have an earache. i'm freaking out it might be cancer or something. i have had it two days now. it came on just after i had a bath. could it be to do with the water? can anyone relate?

please reply
love louise Xx

26-01-10, 04:58
Very very unlikely it might be something serious :)

I mean just think how many other reasons there are to have earache - like how many kids get earache all the time! hehe :)

I for one get it often coz I exposed my ears to too much loud music and now they are a bit sensitive ._.

But yes, give it another day and then pop to the docs! :)

Carly Lou
26-01-10, 09:44
Hi louise, i have been suffering with ear and dizziness for the past 2 weeks, do you have dizziness and some light headedness ???? it could very well be a inner ear infection ? when i started to get this i panicked myself stupid that i have a brain tumour, as i am getting headaches with this, i have been told i have labrythisis, which affects your ears, its horrid and i sympathise with you girlie as it is horrid horrid, even tho many docs i have seen have told me it is a virus in my ears i am still convinced that i have a barin tumour !!! im starting to get a sore throat now so i suppose it is now going to turn into a horrid cold !!!
Have you been to the doctors for it ???
Take Care chick xxx
you havent said how old you are, im 25 and i think my anxiety is taking over the ear infection half the time xxxxxxx

26-01-10, 17:29
hey, i'm 23. i dont have any other symptoms really. the earache has been on and off for 3 days now. i'm at uni at the mo so i might see a doc fri or mon when i'm back home. i'm terrified about going though in case its serious or i'm referred for tests.

Love Louise

26-01-10, 18:31
hey, i'm 23. i dont have any other symptoms really. the earache has been on and off for 3 days now. i'm at uni at the mo so i might see a doc fri or mon when i'm back home. i'm terrified about going though in case its serious or i'm referred for tests.

Love Louise

Try not to let it get to you, it's almost definitely nothing at all or something very small - always remember that anxiety can/will make ANY slight pain feel much worse than it really is!

27-01-10, 15:35
hey, i still have earache and i thought it might of been an infection as it came on just after i had a bath and i was ducking my head under the water so i just thought it was to do with that. but now im not so sure coz ive had it 4 days and im now getting occasional pain in the other ear and i read that infections only last 2 - 3 days and i have had mine 4 days and i dont think its going anywhere. could it be a brain tumour or a tumour in the nose or ear? im so scared, im at uni as well and i can't concentrate on my work coz my anx is taking over

please reply
love louise

Carly Lou
27-01-10, 16:38
Hi louise, i also have been tols i have a inner ear infection, how i to am convinced that have a brain tumour, but i get the dizziness and slight headache to go with it, im sure sure it isnt a brain tumour, as i dont think at all it would affect the ears, plus we are far too young to be having these worrys as i was told today, if only i could snap out of it and go back to being normal xxx
its hard tho isnt it, i feel im getting a cold and a sore throat to go with my ear problem, thinking of it my ear hurts now, the right one, its totally poo girlie, its silly as i am sure we are totally fine and there is nooooooooooooooooooooooooothing wrong with us, do you find the more you think abt it the worse it gets !!! plus from what i have been told if we had a tumour we would be in absoloutly terrible terrible pain etc xxxxxxx

27-01-10, 22:32
yea the more i think about it, the worse it gets. it tends to be worse when i wake up though and eases off throughout the day and i will just have it now and again.

i have headache now but im hoping its just tension as i have been pretty stressed today as i have been worrying constantly about ears as well as my social anx and my uni work.

i just want this feeling to go away.

love louise

28-01-10, 01:24
hey, i still have earache and i thought it might of been an infection as it came on just after i had a bath and i was ducking my head under the water so i just thought it was to do with that. but now im not so sure coz ive had it 4 days and im now getting occasional pain in the other ear and i read that infections only last 2 - 3 days and i have had mine 4 days and i dont think its going anywhere. could it be a brain tumour or a tumour in the nose or ear? im so scared, im at uni as well and i can't concentrate on my work coz my anx is taking over

please reply
love louise

aww hehe I think the odds of it being a brain tumour are so, so low... it's not even really worth thinking about! Did you know that brain tumours only count for 1.4% of all cancers? Can you imagine therefore how MINISCULE the odds of actually getting one are? :)

Don't worry about it, just pop to the docs sometime and find out what they think's going on! :)