View Full Version : Anxiety has beaten me :(

25-01-10, 02:17
:weep:For the last 6 months my anxiety seems to be controlling me. yet i try not let it to win but my boyfriend just dumped me because of the constant stress. he moved out on saturday back to his mums house. we were together for nearly 4 years. i am on citopram and lorazopam but these dont really dont do nothing for me. was speaking to my ex today and he said if we by chance get back together that he wants things to be diffrent. he not perfect himself nor am i and i know the time we got now will help us sort out our issues but why do i have to be the one to have the anxiety/panic attacks aswell as a broken heart.

not eaten for 2 days. taking my meds but cant really sleep well. anxiety has won and feels like ive lost becuase ive just lost the love of my life and this god dam anxiety hasnt helped. so not really positive about anythink at the moment. :weep:

25-01-10, 03:25
It is hard for partners to understand anxiety, and they have almost as rough a time as we do, because even though they cannot feel the way we do, they can see what it does to us and because they have an outside view, they can see our anxiety is generally irrational or it is not understandable to them. It is no wonder it puts stress on relationships and it is not your fault either.

All i can tell you is what i would do in your situation... and if i were you i would take this break up time and go see a doctor about your meds not working for a start, maybe look into cbt or some kind of therapy if you haven't already? then i would phone your partner and ask him how long of a break does he need? Maybe have a heart to heart about BOTH your problems? What does he want different? How can you help each other and reduce the stress for both of you? It seems like you both need this break to sort yourselves out.

Dont focus just on the negatives of yourself or your boyfriend - this will only lead to hate and bitterness, think of the whole picture and don't blame yourself! i hope you can work out your problems with your partner, it is extremely difficult having anxiety and a relationship breakdown - i've been there and it's really hard.

My advice isn't great i know but i didn't want to read your post and not reply.

- Gaz

25-01-10, 05:53
dont' let your anxiety control you just try get rid of it. anxiety is something if not controlled a initial stages can lead to serious consequences. you need to over power it. for that you can download our anxiety reliever e-book for free from the internet by visiting http://www.myfreereviewnow.com/optin/anxiety_review. from it you will get some easy to follow tips that will help you tackle you anxiety. you will also see the results within a very short period of time. just download it for free and relieve yourself from unwanted anxiety

Raghida Hallal

25-01-10, 15:15
Gazman is right,

Our partners can be very sympathetic but it is something you just can't understand unless you have suffered it yourself. We know our panic and anxiety are often irrational so it must seem even more so to them.

You do need to go back and see your doctor because medication can't cure your anxiety, it can only lessen the symptoms while you deal with the root cause and unfortunately, in your case, it doesn't seem to be heping at all - you need CBT or some other therapy to help you get to the bottom of it.

Hope you feel better soon


25-01-10, 15:36
~I feel for you :hugs:I have been suffering for the last four years and it has gradually taken it's toll on my health & self esteem.I am beaten:weep:My husband & I had a good business,nice home & money.He enjoyed the good life,i stayed home running the business & keeping house.I had nice clothes,friends and enjoyed my life.He went out whenever he could,drinking & carrying on,(4 affairs),and slowley the business went downhill,till he actually had to give it up and get a job.I had to get a job too,the only thing I could find was in a local pub,but it pays my bills,just.
He still drinks whenever he is off work,expects me to do everything in the home,rants & raves if it is not the way he likes it,and seems to relish the fact I have no friends,cant afford to go out,buy myself anything or even try to improve my lifestyle.Everything revolves around him,and I know i am a doormat for putting up with it,but as he says,i have nowhere to go,no money,no friends,so i'm stuck.:scared15:
My doc has prescribed Citalopram 40mg,which to be honest do not touch me,except to make me so damn tired it's struggle to get through the housework,let alone work.
He has told me he will not do anything more to the home,decorate etc,and it will gradually get worse,so much needs doing now i am ashamed for anyone to come in.
I cannot afford to do anything,and even if i could,he has said i am not allowed to.
Most of my wages go on bills,one of which is money i lent him and he promised to repay at x amount a week,hah,never seen that happen.
He verbally abuses me most days,makes me shake and cry & then goes out.
Call this life? No future,nothing to look forward to except housework & work.:unsure:
I get suicidal when i think of the rest of my life like this.................Cant go on much longer.I hardly eat,hardly sleep,have already lost 3 stone,and look & feel like an old woman.
The doc has said my situation has caused my depression/anxiety,and until i leave it will not get any better.There is no magic pill to take away the problems,pills only help you to cope a bit better.
I wish i didnt care so much,i still try to keep everything nice & clean & tidy for him,and make sure he is fed well,but he takes it for granted i will do this because it is better than the consequences :mad: