View Full Version : Let down by GP?

25-01-10, 08:00

I just thought I would post a question here. Does anyone on here feel let down by their GP? I have suffered from HA for about 5 months now, and I have now accepted the symptoms I have been having are anxiety related and am starting to feel better, this has come with the help of counselling which I booked myself in for.

But looking back over the period I feel my GP definatkey could have done more to help, for example I had to ask for a blood test, he has'nt asked me any questions about how I have been feeling at all and just shrugging off my visits as nothing to worry about. He only offered me anti - deps a couple of weeks ago, and I said I didnt want them as I was feeling better.

I realise I didnt make it easy in that I only told him about the physical symptoms rather htn how I was feeling as well. And I was doing all the other things which are'nt helpful like googling and 'dcotor shoping' between him and another GP at the same practice. But should he not have asked? And surely he must have thought something was up with the number of visits I was making to him?

I guess I'm worried (Anxious!) now that all this worry over the last 6 months has given me what I most fear, because I feel its gone untreated. Any advice/ thoughts/ similar experiences??!!

25-01-10, 08:20
Sorry, forgot to add; 'or am I just being rude about my GP?!

25-01-10, 08:29
No you're not being rude to your GP. I understand your frustrations. I had to go private for my CBT as my doctor told me I could be waiting 6 months or so. He gives me that 'oh here we go again' look when I go and see him. I know HA is hard to understand and frustrating for somene who had never been through it but a little bit of politeness and reassurance is all I ask.

By the way, your doctor definitely should have asked about your symptoms pre-blood test. It's very weird that he didn't.

25-01-10, 09:00
Thanks Ella Jayne,

Yeh I have booked myself in for CBT privatley as well as my GP told me I would wait 18 months to see anyone, and the first appointment is today! So hopefully tht will really help.

It is just so frustrating because now I have a clearer picture of what has been going on but 3 - 4 months ago it completely took over my life and has caused all kinds of problems, but I have dug myself out somewhat. I do still have a fear it is too late though. I guess I'm looking for a scapegoat! Any further advice?

25-01-10, 09:02
my gp has been excellent and even arranged counselling sessions within my surgery for me.

i do feel some of the docs at my surger(there are 15) think here we go again but what docs have to understand is that if your not happy with what they say you will go back!

i have an appt at 10:30 for dizziness that i have had for the past 5 days. i hope that i can get the right checks and reassurance i need!

also i feel the worst people are the receptionists,they know nothing about my anxiety yet seem to be so rude and abrupt wen i call to make an apptment its unreal!

25-01-10, 09:23
No people do get let down by their GP, for over 2 years i had complaints of every sort and nothing was ever found by hospital tests, only three months ago was i diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. I can't help thinking shouldn't my GP have known sooner what was wrong, I really don't know. But i do wish he had known sooner before it got to this.

25-01-10, 09:31
I have appt with my gp this morning, hope he is gonna help, had been referred for councilling a few months ago, but havent heard anything yet, can feel the anxiety building now coz i have the docs, another hour to go go yet..Too many gps see you as just a number on the computer, we have so many locums, you cant seem to see the same doctor twice...:mad: x