View Full Version : Feeling really low - Headaches and Health Anxiety in general

25-01-10, 08:23
Lately I've started to get headaches, I don't usually get them. The last time I remember getting them is about 5 months ago. It started with a pain on one side of my head, now it's all over and a throbbing feeling. Now I think it MUST be a brain tumour or a blood clot. I'm so fed up with this.:weep: If it's not one thing, it's another. My sleeping pattern is messed up which makes things worse and I have A LOT of Derealization/depersonalization.

It's scary, I just think that at any time I'm going to drop dead. I'm on Beta-Blockers (Inderal - started them last week) the dose is very low, just 10mg a day. Can the headaches be a side effect?

I'm hesitating to go to my doctor's as the last time I was there he gave me the 'Oh here we go again' look. So I don't really know what to do. I'm so fed up of feeling like this, I'm 21, I should be out enjoying life not thinking I'm going to die!!!

Anyone know any symptoms of Blood clots in your head or tumours, just to put my mind at ease before I Google myself silly!:blush:

Am I at risk for any of those illnesses? Or is it just my anxiety playing up yet AGAIN?:blush: Any advice is welcome.



BTW - Anyone know if I can take paracetamol with Inderal?

25-01-10, 09:10
its not the symptoms of tumors you need to know. its what you already know and that is headaches can be a caused by anxiety. what you need to do is not focus on the pai because again as you probably know that only makes it worse. if you knew the symptoms of a tum or you would be on here in a few days and be suffering from them!

be positive an stay strong because you know like i do that it is thind playing one of its tricks!

i have been feeling very dizzy and light headed the last 5 days but i believe it is the anxiety.

if you wana chat then just pm me or add my msn! x

25-01-10, 09:12
Hi Ella Jayne,

I had cluster migraines for the best part of two months (four years ago) which was the start of my HA. I had a migraine after a run a couple of months ago (first one in the four years!) and went to the doctors convinced it was a brain tumour. I am still here and my headache went after 3 weeks! I was put on beta-blockers and I have one when I feel extra anxious (thankfully, all is ok at the moment) I take paracetamol with mine (propranolol) have you read the information leaflet in your Inderal packet?
I find with my headaches and anxiety it is a catch 22 thing, the more I get anxious the more it hurts!
I swear by natural methods for trying to get rid of a headache. Tiger balm on the temples or a cooling strip to the back of the neck or forehead, and rest!
Don't go googling the symptoms of a brain tumour, and don't be worried about going to your doctor. If you don't feel well, go! The last time I went for my migraine, I asked the doctor why it wasn't a brain tumour and she put my mind at rest.

Good luck

25-01-10, 09:35
Hello there

Google = Naughty

google never seems to be right when you type in your symthoms.. i learned that myself after doing it repeatedly finally i stopped :blush:

Good luck i hope your feeling better!