View Full Version : feeling rubbish! any advise?

25-01-10, 09:29

I have been suffering with panic attacks since I was very young and have managed to develop coping strategies to deal with them, however lately I have been struggling to cope.

I go from feeling positive and trying to focus on the future to having a panic attack about a whole range of things. This changes several times a day and I am not sure if it perhaps depression creeping back in? Sometimes I am fine and don't worry at all then an hour later I am crying and feeling helpless. It is really getting on my nerves.

I am reluctant to go to the GP again as a few years ago I had a bad episode of depression and I was very dissappointed as I was giving antidepressants and a referral to counselling. However by the time I got to see the counsellor (several weeks later) I was improving and they did not feel I needed any further treatment! I also get HA so I really don't want to be on any medications as I feel this would increase my anxiety too much.
I am also worried about having this put on my medical records as I am still trying to find a permanent job and I feel this may be an issue to future employers.

I don't know why I have posted this but I suppose it is just to get it off my chest. It would also be nice to hear others experiences and advise?


Monkee xxx

27-01-10, 22:27
I think you are pretty normal..sounds like a usual day for most people.. I wouldn't worry to much .Try to stay busy and not worry .The more busy that you can be and the more focused on SOMETHING anything is better than focusing on yourself. Just try as hard as you can to quit thinking about yourself. Hope you feel better. Michael

28-01-10, 14:53
Yeah, I agree,

I think that if you can stay busy and can focus on something that is important to you, this is a way forward

best of luck


28-01-10, 15:37
Hi Monkee, I would like to speak to you regarding the employment issue. I worried about having this on my medical record too, but my doctor has assured me that I do not have to disclose anything I don't want to. Not every employer even asks for medical records. I am training to be a teacher so I know that worry. Hope this helps

28-01-10, 15:54
with me , actually recently, it hit how negative my thinking was getting! even though I'm very into Louise Hay and positive thinking! Also I was really focusing on the negative and it is very hard to break the habit and try only think positive thoughts.
if you can get free therapy or if you can afford maybe CBT therapy then totally go.
I think life it's self is a full time job and we all trying to improve, to get better, to be happy and sometimes you do need a little extra help :-)

28-01-10, 17:20
I think sometimes if you waken up feeling a bit down then you start thinking you are on the downhill track again, but your mood can change from day to day. People who have never suffered from depression also have up and down moods. We tend to forget this. I've said before that I know a lot of people who are a bit down at the moment but I think it's because of the time of year. Roll on Spring!! Don't worry too much about it. Your mood will lift again, I'm sure.