View Full Version : I'm sorry :(

25-01-10, 10:07
I am sorry for all the threads I have started in the last few weeks. I seem to recover from one worry and go bang straight into the next.

I am currently worried about having bowel cancer (I am sure you would have seen my current thread) and I feel dizzy on and off.

I seem to feel dizzy though even when I am not anxious so I can't understand what it is.

Life is really starting to get me down again. I have had an ok few months where I had gotten the HA under control and it is raring its ugly, ugly head again.

I have a 4 year old, 2.5 year old and a 3 month old that deserve so much more than I can give them these days. I should be enjoying them instead of worrying myself sick everyday. The more I worry and google the more it takes me away from them.

This all started because I am terrified I am going to die and leave them motherless. But why can't I just wake up to myself and live life for them?

I am so, so pathetic and no one seems to understand.:weep:

25-01-10, 10:37
Hi Samantha,

You say you feel dizzy "even when you are not anxious" but you also say you have posted a lot in the past few weeks and are currently worrying about bowel cancer. Therefore you clearly ARE anxious and are dizzy for that reason.

Dizziness can persist even after all your other anxiety symptoms have gone away. It is annoying but try not to let it get you down.

25-01-10, 10:40
your not alone you can feel dizzy even if you think your ok ,you might have ear infection why dont you ask docter ,as for cancer thats the one thing that worries us the most even people who dont suffer with thisillness ,

25-01-10, 13:56
You're certainly not pathetic and I feel I do understand. My anxiety really took off after my first kid was born and ever since it's been almost entirely linked to the fact that I worry about leaving them fatherless. It's a perfectly natural response, it's just that in people like us it gets magnified a thousand time and stops us from enjoying our life and our kids. I have to see my doctor quite often for reassurance on one thing after another. There's really nothing wrong with you doing the same if it helps you cope.

Take care.

25-01-10, 14:35
Hello Samantha,
Your not pathetic! i understand, I feel the same, I think at times we just need constant reasurance though. It's better to say how you feel than keep it bottled up inside,
Hope you feel better soon, Hugs redrainbow.:hugs:

25-01-10, 17:25
Samantha - I just went through the same fear about a month ago - having bowel cancer. Every symptom I had seem to tie into it somehow. I was terrified I was going to die and leave my 22 year old alone! Everything you have described, being dizzy, fear of dieing, etc...are all anxiety symptoms. The chances of you have bowel cancer are slim to none. I actually went in to my Dr and told her abotu my fears - she was very reassuring and talk with me for quite a while. She knows my history with HA and depression. I am currently workign on getting the right dose of medication....boy have the meds helped! Hasn't taken it a way completly but ahs takent he edge off!! ;-)

25-01-10, 17:34
u are not pathetic, i get symtoms of anxiety even when i feel i am not stressed but i must be, right now i feel dizzy, shacky, my hearts racing, and its come on from nowhere as ive felt ok up until bout hour ago. i often think i have illnesses and bowel cancer has been one of them! i suffer from ibs-which is stress related so i imagine thats probably what your experiencing. have you been doctors about it?

25-01-10, 17:35
This all started because I am terrified I am going to die and leave them motherless.

I've heard that it is very common for mothers to get the 'I'm going to die and leave them motherless' scenario, following a birth. You only had your baby 3 months ago, that is very recent ! Give yourself a break and firstly stop calling yourself pathetic, understand that your fear of leaving your children is a natural passing thing, based on your love for your children, which for some reason has grown out of proportion for you.

Don't do any more 'googling', it won't make you less anxious, trust me. Ontop of being really phsyically and emotionally exhausted from caring for 3 very young children, I wonder if you are also suffering some PND, have you spoken with your Health visitor or GP ?

25-01-10, 19:15
I too can relate to feeling unworthy. I have 3 small kids and never feel like I am being the parent they deserve. I also have many physical symptoms at times when I don't think I feel anxious. I don't have an answer for you but I can tell you that you are not alone.

25-01-10, 23:20
Thank you all so much for your replies - all what I needed to hear xxxxx

26-01-10, 00:31
Just reading these posts all I can think is how blessed all these lovely kids are to have such amazing parents.:)

26-01-10, 05:00
I think it's totally natural, it's nothing to feel bad about :)

I worry loads about my health and I only have me to take care of! lol

Try not to be hard on yourself, and just ask if you really think your concerns have fact to back them up, that's usually the give-away to whether it's real or just health anxiety! :)