View Full Version : alcohol and anxiety

25-01-10, 11:02
hi im a anxiety sufferer and i find that i need alcohol every night to chill me out ive tried stoopping drinking but its very hard has anyone else experienced this xx

25-01-10, 12:07

What is happening here is a viscious circle. Alcohol may well be calming you down in the short term, but it is also a depressant, so the next day the anxiety will hit you 10 times harder, and you will feel even more down.

I am absteining from drink at the moment, as it can really affect my moods etc...

try reading, listening to music (one of my fave things to do) distraction methods to help the anxiety.

Love to you

Neesh X
25-01-10, 13:38
Yeah im in the same cycle myself im drinking a bottle of red wine a night just to get to calm the anxiety and get some sleep. Infact this caused a row with my husband last night. I suffer with my anxiety though the day and the few hours before bed when ive had a drink seem like the only peace i get from feeling like this.
Ive recently had some CBT and we are trying to get to the route of why im so anxious trying to say positive that if i can get to the bottom of it hopefully i wont feel the need to drink anymore.
I really hope you manage to beat the anxiety and the alcohol.
Neesh x

25-01-10, 17:35
hi yes im the same in a vicious circle as soon as night time comes i get like i really want a drink to calm me down xx i was given propranolol beta blockers but not taken them as im to scared to thinking of going back to see my doctor to see what other stuff can be offered to me xx

25-01-10, 17:46
King I can relate to your problem as I drink alot every night, even when I have work the next day. Yesterday I drank 14 cans of cider and most nights I drink anything from 8 - 12 cans. I can also say that every morning when I've had a big drinking session like I did yesterday I feel 10 times worse the day after. Today has been a day from hell, not a hangover, wow I can't remember the last time I had one of those, but just feeling really down but I agree to what Emira says too. I've had only 4 cans of beer today and I'm hoping that will be it for me, then tomorrow I'm aiming for no beer.

25-01-10, 18:22
One of the big issues with alcohol is that it is depressant and can make your anxiety a lot worse in the morning. It is a definite no-no

Beta blockers will calm you down and even allow you some respite through the night. Do not be afraid to take them. Thery are also commonly used to maintain a normal blood pressure

25-01-10, 19:37
I've not touched alcohol for over a month now as I found it was making my anxiety ALOT worse...I know it's hard but try your best stay to steer clear from it until you feel abit better :) x

25-01-10, 21:17
My advice is use alcohol to help your anxiety but know that in the long run it hinders progress.

Eg I've had 2 glasses of wine tonight and for an hour or 2 I felt normal again, relaxed, happy, joking around, no anxiety at all, no horrible symptoms.

Now though, as the effect wears off, my heart is pounding, my chest tightness is back, anxious thoughts are running through my head about heart attacks, stroke. My head is aching a bit. My mouth feels dry. I feel keyed up.

Not worth it?

I'm not sure, because to feel normal again is absolutely amazing.

All I have to do now is to have that constant tipsy state but without drinking. I've not found a way yet and doubt I ever will.

25-01-10, 23:16
yes im same when im drinking i do feel happy no anxiety relaxed but the in the night i wake up wiv palpations and just feel tired the next day so going to stay off it for this week xx its hard but i can do it see if i feel better xx

26-01-10, 06:21
hi kingi i know exactly where you are comming from, i started off the same drinking to make me feel better it then turned into a addiction unfortunatly,i had a lft test that came back pretty high it shocked me so much i decided i needed to give up the booze ,i had a home dettox in september i was very scared to stop drinking cos it was all i new to make my anxiety go away that was until the next day of course where i drank again to get rid of the symptoms of the alcohol , i found also health care workers are much more prepared to help uss people with anxiety who doesnt drink, which i am very thankful for i didnt touch a drop until christmas day when i had 2 glasses of wine and you know what i didnt want it and i definatly didnt need it if you are needing a drink badly id say try to drink non alcoholic wine or lager it taste the same but it doesnt give you any health problems and def doesnt cause a hangover sorry for the long post but it hit home why i started many years ago if i can do it without alcohol you can aswell im not better of my anxiety but its no way as bad as it was with the drink if you need to chat about it please feel free to pm me anytime good luck

31-01-10, 21:59
hi ev1 again im going to stop drinking alcohol to be honest cos its not doing me any good and feel very anxious in bed wen ive had a lot to drink xxx

01-02-10, 10:16
hi everyone im the same i used to drink nearly a litre of red wine a night then i new id got to do something about it and i did but since i lost my mum 15 months ago my health anxietys are through the roof and ive started drinking more but i only drink half a 75cl of wine now and if i drink more it can make me more anxious put the peace and relaxation i feel when im sat with my glass of wine is wonderful

02-02-10, 22:19
hi every one again come on here cos feelling panicky ive had some lager and dont know if its that are something else i feel really nervous its horrible really should stop drinking xx

02-02-10, 22:31
hi im here again dont a daft thing had a drink of alcohol and feel very nervous i dont know if its the alcohol but feel to anxious to go to bed anyone else had this x also having odd aches and pains in parts of mi body and im worrying theres something wrong wiv me x

05-02-10, 11:48
I'm the same, but recently i've cut right back and already i'm feeling nuch better. So, much so that apart from the odd day, i don't really want it. I suffer badly with anxiety and panic attacks and like you the instant relaxing effect was addictive, but i realised it was doing me no good! Now what i do is I force myself so go out walking for at least an hour everyday around the time i want a drink usually straight away when i get in from work. If the weatheris bad i take myself yo a friends house, you'd be amazed how the brake in routine helps and the excersise makes me feel great.I know it is hard, i really had to force myself, but it is worth. xx

06-02-10, 21:15
hi everyone just thought id let you know im sat here tonight feeling a bit edgy ive had 3 bottles of lager and yes i know i shouldnt but i feel a bit panicky just had sumit to eat feel very dissapointed with my self but i do enjoy a drink but i do need to give it up because its sets me off x anyone else found this happends to them

11-02-10, 21:18
I've been doing the same thing. In fact, I'm now completely abstaining from booze. My birthdays coming up so I'll have a drink then but I need to stop drinking every night.

03-05-10, 19:08
hi all very anxious today all because i went camping yesterday had some drinks a laugh but woke up this morning feeling very anxious got home had a shower then i had a hr on my bed but couldnt sleep cos i kept jumping out of my sleep can anyone tell me if they have expierenced it its scary hate it im still feeling anxious now and its 7 at night im fed up any advice x

04-05-10, 09:16
can relate to all these posts...i stopped drinking ..then started again...i only drink on the nightime generally speaking..i drink on the night as a relief from all the worrying i do through the day...if i dont drink i feel tons better the next day...when ive had a drink i feel i can conquer all my problems,but the next day im just a bit of a wreck...my biggest problem is i feel dizzy and spaced out through the day..so a drink combats this usually...vicious circle....