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View Full Version : Just come to terms...

25-01-10, 12:06
...with the fact I have health anxiety.

I've been suffering with anxiety for nearly a year now (well thats how long it's been confirmed for).

Some time ago, I had a kidney removed. I was young and crazy and it didn't seem to bother me at all.

Now I'm older, any slight feeling I start worrying about my health. I've been worried about cancer, ulcers, complications from illnesses I've had.
It really seemed to kick in when I got the mumps a year ago.

More recently, I've started having discomfort in my upper right abdomen. I can't really describe it. It includes D then C and sometime radiates to my back.
My partner thinks its IBS brought on by my anxiety.

Anyways....theres my life story. Hello everyone. I'm glad I'll have people to talk to now...

25-01-10, 14:23
Hello Uneasy,

Hope you find some help on here,which I am sure you will!
Have you been to the doctor about how you are feeling?
Anyway, welcome and good luck!

26-01-10, 09:39
Yeah I've been a few times. They did a urine test, said all was fine, then sent me on my way. I don't really feel comfortable with the doctor I'm having to see (my original doctor is on maternity leave).
I'm so worried it's something severe :S