View Full Version : just a lil shavin/friction dilemma!!!!! lol

24-12-05, 14:07
Ok nothin to do with panic, cos strangely enough, ive not panic about it!
ever seen of that babyliss siply smooth shaving thing? the one with like disks, non-blades shaving!
Well i bought one of my sis cos she didnt like it, anyway...
Off i went for a little pamper night! It all seemed fine at first, suprised how well it seemed to work!
But 10 mns later my legs were on fire!!!! lol ive now got 2 friction legs lol its not bad really, just a lil annoying cos its like sun tan burn, only w/o the sun!
I know i did the first leg wrong cos i used it in a up-down motion, but second time i did it in a circulular motion like ma sis said! but the second leg seems a lil worse!
Now my question is, is there any sort of cream i can use to just ease the burning sensation? at min its just like a rash, no scabbing or anything, cos it wasnt that bad!! But its just irratating!
Im such a ninny!!!
oh yeah!! the warning goes out to anyone who is thinking of buying one!! i know now y the box said 4 out of 5 women found benefit!!! lol the other lot were unable to walk to give back the results!!!!!

24-12-05, 14:17
Lavender cream/oil

24-12-05, 15:31
cheers meg!!

24-12-05, 18:22
Ouchie that doesn't sound fun.

Try aloe vera lotion... or tea tree.

27-12-05, 13:39
no deff not fun!!! lol i dont think ill use it anymore! might just stick it in ma bag for when i attempt a walk and use it on any scum who might ever attempt to harm me!!

27-12-05, 18:58
I use one of those older ones that has the blades that rip the hairs out and you do get used to it the more you use it.

Avon Cosmetics do an after shaving lotion and it does help so you could try that.
