View Full Version : anti psycotics Risperidone

25-01-10, 14:55
Does anyone know how these work. I have been put on them as benzos dont work for me. However benzos are to be used generally on as and when basis and give relief then and there, well not for me of course, whereas Risperidone has to be taken everyday so does that mean it builds up in the system and the anxiety lowers over several days.
they certainly dont work instantly!!!!

Any knowledge would be great


28-01-10, 11:26
Hi Joy

How are you feeling? Any luck on the Risperidone?

Love and Hugs

28-01-10, 12:59
Nah not much luck theynonly worked before when I was on a anti d as well not as solo therapy. Rang Mental health team yesterday and they said it takes a couple of weeks, Its like the same ol record keeep taking it then when it doesnt work they seem surprised.

Sick of it all


28-01-10, 13:22
I'd say you are....I know it sounds a bit extreme..but as ECT ever been mentioned? My friend's aunt was a pysh nurse and said that this therapy gets really bad press but she saw people turn around on it.

Anyway i'm here if you need chat/rant

Love and Hugs

29-01-10, 09:39
AS far as i know ECT is for really bad depression which i havent got just anxiety. They only do it if you are in hospital as well wouldnt fancy it anyway THanks for the thought tho

Anx high this morning hows yours

Love Joy

29-01-10, 11:02
Hi Joy

Getting a little bit better each day now, had a good night's sleep, even though i had a full on panic attack in the middle of the night...got back to sleep ok.

Sorry to hear your anx is high today...do you find the mornings to be worse? I hate the mornings..things usually improve as the day progresses.

Did you ever notice a hormonal link to the anx? i'm looking into that myself at the moment

Love and Hugs

29-01-10, 16:10
past the hormonal stage thank god altho i understand there could be a link for you younger ones. Yes mornings are defo worse wake up with extreme anx every morning I wonder why that is but its horrible]]
glad you are improving

love joy