View Full Version : New User - Pressure in head

24-12-05, 18:02
Hey, i'm new here, just found this site while googling my symptoms, it's made me feel a lot better already.

What i have is a pressure feeling in my head, i just woke up early one morning at about 3am 3 weeks ago with it. Over the last few weeks ive just been worrying about brain tumours etc, but i'm starting to calm down now.

I've been to the doctor twice, the first time he checked my eyes for any signs of increased pressure in my head, and he said there wasn't anyway, which was a relief. He diagnosed me with infected sinus possibly due to the problems i have with my teeth. I got medication and went home feeling slightly better, but still with a bad feeling.

After 2 weeks my head didnt get better, so i went back to the docs. This time he diagnosed me with tension headaches due to poor posture.

I felt better for about a day after this, but then started worrying again. Tonight I went to sleep for a while to try and forget about it, then i had a few thoughts.

I can't get to sleep without lying on my back, perhaps the pain/pressure (which is mainly in the back of my head) is due to my pillow not being soft enough so has bruised my head or something. When i lie on my side, my head feels a bit better.

Does anyone have the same head problem as me?

Merry Xmas[}:)]

24-12-05, 18:20
*perhaps the pain/pressure (which is mainly in the back of my head) is due to my pillow not being soft enough so has bruised my head or something.*

In reality I doubt it unless you're sleeping on a house brick .

More likely to be build up of tension in your shoulders and neck leading you to look like yogi bear - go and look in the mirror and see where your shoulders are ?? up by your ears .

If you can get someone to do some massage - bonus, if not then do some very very very slow head turns and forward and back too , plus a warm bath with lots of shoulder shrugging.

Whats up with your teeth ?


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24-12-05, 18:25
Hey, thanks for the reply.

Ive tried hot baths and showers etc, they help for a while, but then about half an hour later it just goes back to the way it was again. Ive got to get 5 fillings in my teeth and a tooth taken out (the price i pay for not going to the dentist for 3 years =S) Didn't realise my teeth were that bad until i went!

I'll try the shoulder shrugging and head turning things! My doc recommended i stretch my neck every 30 mins or so!

Thanks again


24-12-05, 18:28
*Ive tried hot baths and showers etc, they help for a while* If they help at all with warmth sounds imflammatory - a hot water bottle slung round your neck may help for longer.

Unless the teeth are really and swollen and painful already
its not likely to be that either. Look at everyday posture and activities first.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
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24-12-05, 20:21
Ok, i'll try the hot water bottle! I just felt my kneck muscles, and they are really tense, so i'm getting less worried thats it's anything serious! My head isn't tender to touch, it just hurts a little when i lie on my back, also sometimes it feels a little itchy inside =S I can also feel the pressure in my ears as well. Is this all related to muscular tension?

24-12-05, 20:24
In a word = Yes .

Remember that the muscles in your neck come from the shoulders up the neck and hold your head up.

Go all floppy as well as those exercises and apply heat.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
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24-12-05, 20:25
Also...sometimes when i close my eyes my head wants to voluntarily fall to the left... (sorry about all the posts, i keep remembering symptoms!)

26-12-05, 20:27
ross ive had similar symptoms, sometimes i think my head feels like it could pop, i also have felt theres a weight somewhere on my head and pulling it over, i think distraction is the key.

i think this isnt a symptom at all but a common thaught people with anxiety can have.

26-12-05, 20:53
Hey Kimmy, thanks for the reply. Everyone keeps telling me that it's just anxiety, and I know deep down it is, but it's so hard to convince myself. Now i have pins and needles in my back, is this a sign of something bad, or is it just because im tense?

26-12-05, 21:27
your probably feeling tense hun!!!!!
how mad, i thaught i was the only one who felt like that!!! try doing the excercises, i when i remember of couse, try to notice my body, and i tense? etc, where and relax them. i think it helps to prevent a build up. dont forget pims and needles can be from hyperventilating.

its most probably trapped nerves, dont worry. ok easier said then done, but give that a go any ways xxxxxxx feel free to pm me

26-12-05, 21:30
yeah, i know its just my muscles all tensed up, my head doesnt feel nearly as bad today as it did yesterday, think i might shower and see if that helps.

Thanks for the advice =)

28-12-05, 09:11
Hi there, sorry to hear about your head pain, but please be reassured I've been experiencing the very same symptoms for the past 4 years off and on (I prefer off :D) and it is Definately tension headache - they are terrible things. Have you thought about seeing a physio? They can give you great exercises and look at things like your posture etc. Another thing I find helps is applying a wheat bag that you heat in the microwave to my neck or head...the bag moulds to fit the area on which it is placed which really helps! Good luck

"This too, shall pass"

30-12-05, 22:18
Hey guys, just thought id update you. The same night that i had the pins and needles in my back, i went to bed then woke up 15 mins later with a numb arm, i waited for about 2 and a half hours in case i had just lay on it and hoped it would go away, but it didnt. I got worried and phoned NHS 24 who said i should see someone, so they sent out patient transport at 4am to take me to the nearest medical centre. After waiting for about 2 hours, a really friendly doctor checked me over and said the usual (no sign of build up of pressure in head etc) and then diagnosed me with a trapped nerve in my neck. I went to see my proper doctor the next morning and he said almost the same thing. The reason my arm was numb was because the pain can 'travel' down into your arm and up into your head, causing a double or one sided headache. So no I'm not worried so much, although sometimes I still think the worst! Thanks for all your help over the last few days, and hope you all had a great xmas!:D

30-12-05, 22:42
Thanks for letting us know how you are and glad it was not what you had been imagining.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
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01-01-06, 12:43
Im really pleased you have managed to talk to somebody and they have helped ease your mind. Happy new year:D

06-01-06, 18:16
Hey guys, feeling really low tonight. My head is still the same as it was, feels like it is full of cotton wool, and i get slight pains here and there on my head. Been to the docs again since and he still says its something to do with my neck, but i'm still having trouble believing him because i can't really feel any pain in my neck at all! I know its stupid not believing someone who studied for years to become a doctor, and it's even stupider to still be worrying when i've seen 3 DIFFERENT doctors, but I still have trouble feeling better:( I've been on the couch for the last week from about 4pm onwards because i feel like i have absolutely no energy and that my body is just going to shut down. I also get palpitations when i lie down some nights, and feel like im out of breath. When i do neck excersises like the doctor advised, i hear creaking and clicking sounds that seem to come from the back of my head. I also had a horrible dream that my head was in a lot of pain and i fell to the ground and couldn't move because of it, and then i woke up with a sore head. I was gonna go to the docs again tomorrow, then i realised it was a saturday, and they aren't open. Damn. Anyone got any advice or reassurance? Sorry for such a long-winded post, i just wanted to get it all off my mind.

07-01-06, 12:39
Ross ,

If your doctor thinks its neck related you may want to visit a chiropractor/ osteopath who are very good with back , neck stuff.

I feel a gravel noise in the back of my head/ neck too, its usual.

When you're on the couch do watch how you're lying. I often catch my partner having 40 winks in the most uncomfortable position out - ok for watching TV but not ok for sleeping and the next day he suffers terribly with neck/head ache.

You need to be well supported and ideally in a straight line from back to head.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-07-08, 19:35
Hey! I get that same weird feeling of pressure at the top of my head when I sit at the computer for too long. It must be to do bad posture. I have been trying to stand up straighter and not be at the computer as long. I'm a video editor so that is hard. I think your problem must be due to poor posture as well and maybe you should try some yoga or go to a chiropractor.

08-07-08, 19:44
I've been going through something really similar right now, too. I'vebeen through swings of this before, though never quite like this. It really sounds like tension... I only wish I had the magic cure; I'd pass it along!

11-03-09, 15:47
Hi Im new to this site, and ive found a few others too. OK, ive read a lot about putting these sympoms down to anxiety and such, and some peeps have added problems too, which leads away from the main issues here.

I notice on this site they have added this item as a new area ... so lets not beat around the bush, nobody seems to know what diagnosis to give, or what cure is available, or what truly causes these symptoms, but one thing is for sure, I am not imagining my symptoms which i have had now for 4 months.

Pressure in the sides and back of head, buzzing til it drives you mad, blowing down my nose to pop my ears, gives small relief, but Im now experiencing what i can only describe as nerve end pain in my head. If I scratch my head its like an electric shock which leads me to believe this is a neurological problem. So come on theres got to be some professional out there that can tell me this is something other than anxiety, cos im the most chilled out person I know.

I have had all the MRI craneal, neck, back scans. Had all the ENT tests done for compact sinuses and such. All clear! Heart functions normal, blood pressure a lil up and down but nothing out of ordinary.

So where do I go now? Please dont tell me to take tranquilisers, pain killers, eat more fruit, watch for any allergies to other food, cos this is just a cop out.

Somebody out there has got to come up with some answers surely, and if this is something new, then I suggest some health body should be taking our symptoms more seriously.

Be glad to receive your comments.

16-04-09, 16:37
Levanti - are you still getting these symptoms?

16-04-09, 19:47
Levanti - I have had exactly this. It really is just anxiety and once you accept it, it will go away!