View Full Version : How can I sleep at a normal hour?

25-01-10, 19:02
Hello All,

I have been having a rough time with sleeping at the moment...had nights where I have fallen asleep at 10am :O so I just wondered if you had any tips on how I can get to sleep at a normal hour??

Thanks in advance :)

Candy xxx

25-01-10, 19:22
get drunk :yesyes:

Failing that, try some herbal remedies, exercise really helps - and i mean get out and go for a reeeaallly long run, really get a good workout anyway.

What i find also helps is not eating a good 3 hours before bed, only water and no caffeine or sugary food like chocolate.

But as you know i've not had much success lol, but hope you get it sorted, ya never know once you get settled with your meds it might calm down?

25-01-10, 21:09
I always find a good book helps me to chill out, so much so, that I often wake with the book stuck to my face after falling asleep reading lol