View Full Version : constantly worrying about my health

25-01-10, 23:24
hi im very worried about my health all time every body sensation i get are pain im thinking about it all time and worrying that theres something wrong with me i was sat watching tv the other night and just came over all odd thinking i was having a stroke are something it was not nice ive started doing that a lot recently and just generaly feeling tired not normal to me xx

Neesh X
25-01-10, 23:42
Hi Kingi
I have been exactly the same for many weeks now but have realised that this is due to health anxiety which im sure is what you are going through at the min
obviously i suggest you speak to your GP to rule out any health issues.
if you have already done that then rest assured that is all due to anxiety, as unfortunate as it is health anxiety cause bring on many unwanted thoughts and feelings.
I have found NMP a great help, speaking to people going through the same thoughts and feelings , im sure that this will help you !!
If you ever want to chat let me know hun xx

26-01-10, 05:12
I get precisely the same ._.

Random pains and twinges and stuff...

It's anxiety, nearly 100% certain :)

Stress/tension can make the body feel pretty much anything!

I am actually having a check up of my heart soon and blood test as I was worried about myself, but I'm sure it will come out fine :)

Try to relax, but don't hesitate to have a chat to your GP even if just to make you feel better - that's what I did :)

01-02-10, 12:02
hi not bad today with the anxiety but was a bit bad yesterday went to sit at the table to have my sunday dinner and all of a sudden went really funny had a funny sensation in my jaw and mouth then i felt panicky anyway i managed to cotroll it but its not nice anyone else had it .

01-02-10, 14:33
hi kingi, its just the anxiety, i was trawled through the internet finding out all i could about anxiety and found a website based in america, i thought i was going nuts worrying about every twinge etc but seemingly anxiety can cause a whole load of health issues aswell as mental issues, it set my mind at ease knowing what was causing my health issues

go to your doctor anyway to rule out other stuff just in case, but anxiety does cause health problems too

i have the unfortunate situation where my anxiety is a mixture of all the types of anxiety you can get


01-02-10, 18:21
i just want it to go away now , 2 years ago i never worried about my health i used to tell my mum off for worrying about her health im just as bad now

16-02-10, 21:30
hi all not been to bad today but i have got funny pains in mi legs and arms and feel hot has anyone else had this to be honest tho i have done loads ov walking today so wonder if itys that cos im not used to excersise. any advice

16-02-10, 23:34
I am exactly the same, every morning it's like i am waiting for the first pain, twinge etc.. I lost my mum 9 months ago and since then everyday is the same, I am fed up with feeling this way.. I am on sertraline as I was suffering really bad and although my panic attacks have calmed down everyday I think something is going to happen to me! I am trying to stay positive and tell myself I am normal and nothing is going to happen.. ITS STRESS and NOTHING else!
Keep your chin up and think happy thoughts (easier said than done) :shrug:

17-02-10, 11:14
just look out for things which triggers you

17-02-10, 22:21
thanx for the replys i do think happier thought but for some reason it comes back out of the blue and i cant even think of what triggers it x

18-02-10, 13:08
hi every1, i also suffering health anxiety in therapy at min , it helps for a while then get a pain or a twinge then thats it knocks me straight bk dwn again. always at doctors, so terrified theys sumthing wrong, always asking my partner an family for reasurance, thats ok for a while dunt last till im thinkin, whats wrong with me..its ruining my life im 39, and its took over my life had for bout 3yrs, not nice at all.....:weep:

16-07-10, 18:51
hi just asking mainly women has anyone ever expirience late periods due to stress and anxiety . mines really late