View Full Version : Need some advice.

26-01-10, 13:34
Hi all
My hubby is gping to germany for a day and night and im so scared of being on my own with my kids. Im scared i will have a full blown panic or pass out.
Does anyone have tips?

26-01-10, 13:50
Think about it as an opportunity to trust yourself again. I know it's hard but if you could concentrate on the positive things rather than the negative ones you could acheive more.
You can make a plan with things you want to do, keep yourself busy.

So what if you have a panic attack, as scary as it can be it always goes away. The body can not be in this state for long. So it will come and go (if it does). If you pass out it, you'll wake up within seconds and you'll be ok. Think what you can do to relax. Take a deep breath, do something nice for yourself like a nice warn bath (if you get the time), or read a nice book, or watch a comedy on tv.
You can do it! Trust yourself!!
Positive thoughts :)

I know It's easier said than done, but it's possible! :)

26-01-10, 15:13
:hugs::blush:Many people will not agree with this :ohmy:
Years ago when panic was classed as ""you are just being stupid, what is there to worry about':weep:
My hubby had to work away from home and i was terrified sooo I kept them off school and went for a day out at the zoo - we took s/wiches and pop and had a great day and i did not panic once.
OK then came the evening - (sounds bit daft now) made tents with sheets and furniture and all slept together:ohmy:
It was really such a riduculous change to all out routines - great fun and filled the time till hubby was back - could not possibly repeat what the family said of my 'odd' day:roflmao:
Best wishes