View Full Version : need some help again

26-01-10, 14:09
Hello everyone

I have been feeling a lot better recently but today have taken a really bad downward turn.

Could any ladies help me with this.

I have had lots of negative hiv tests becuase i couldnt accept that my symptoms were anything else. Well today i stupidy read dtuff on the net again and it said that loss of periods was common in woman with hiv.

Well my periods have been really light sonce my anxiety started and now i am totally worried again beyond beleif.

I have a one year old daughter and im really scared for her again.

Can anybody at all relate to lighter periods since having HA

I can beleive im so anxious again i hate this so much

Please help


26-01-10, 14:22
hey lisa i was wondering where you had been, sorry to hear you are suffering again, my periods are all over the place it probably has nothing to do with ha but more about you having your daughter hormones and all that. My periods are alot lighter than before i had children and dont last as long either also i dont get period pains like i used to. Try and just think of it as a blip and get yourself back on track you have done so well
big hugs xxxx

26-01-10, 14:31
Hi Lisa

I agree with Rebecca. This is much more likely to be hormonal fluctuations than anything at all serious. Periods can be affected by all sorts of things in particular stress.

If your HIV tests are coming back negative, then please try and rest assured. I would suggest you make sure you are looking after yourself generally. Ensuring you eat a good well balanced diet and trying to take some time for yourself even though I know its not easy with a little one to care for.

I suspect you are an amazing Mum who like many of the other great parents on here are just doing the best possible job you can. It is so easy to get anxious at the slightes prospect of not being able to care for your child. But I'm sure you are basically fine physically.

Wishing you well and let me know how You're doing.

All good wishes


26-01-10, 15:00
Hiya Lisa,

I had my first period at the start of the month after going almost 4 months without one, I saw my GP just before xmas regarding the problem and was told to come back 2 weeks after xmas if I still had not had one! The reason was, that he thought it may have been caused by all the stresses of the festive season (im a natural worrier, can I afford xmas, have my kids got enough, what if they dont like what I have bought etc etc)lol. Hey presto exactly one week after xmas I had a period!! so it obviously was caused by the "festive stresses". I also used to have very heavy periods but after having my daughter they were very light and stayed that was for about 2 years im positive that its hormonal. Im sure that when your hormones and anxiousness settle down things will be back to normal x