View Full Version : none of this is fair i give up!!!!!!!!!

26-01-10, 15:01
I know life sucks and thats just how it is but mine seems to suck all the time i can never relax anywhere my family are mentally and my boyfriends parents are really strick so im always getting yelled at there as well. :huh: So i just put on a brave face and get on with it because im not naive i know everyone seems to think everyones against them and stuuf. But i have always been the nice kind supportive friend but everyone else seems to just be so selfish and not care about me at all im not asking for a counsellor i just want a smile sometimes but all i get is people calling me mental and crazy and its so horrible im always so nice to people it just doesnt seem right. I feel like im giving up any help here? xxxx :unsure:

26-01-10, 15:08
I know how you feel Becca, yes life really can suck at times, like now! But i suppose what you have got to think and believe is it won't always suck, or be as bad. At sometime or other there has to be some sort of break for you. Things will get better they usually do. I think you just have to weather the bad times the best you can.
Hope this is of some help and comfort to you, from Redrainbow.

26-01-10, 15:24
hi becca dont give up things will get better ,its not easy suffering with this illness peope find it hard to understand even those closest to us ,thats what hrts the most ,but we cant give in ,so chin up and tell yourself you will get better no matter what anyone thinks love mage

26-01-10, 15:56
Hi becca. I read one of your first posts here about feeling invisible. I understand that.

Some people naturally garner a lot of attention for one reason or another. While others seem to get over looked, as such. My problem, if we're to call it a problem, is that I don't make fuss about me. I don't demand attention for my problems, I prefer that people are interested in the first place. Of course one can argue that, to get their interest in the first place, one must demand it. Stand up and be seen.

The other point to mention is that if one is forever in the company of people who don't care to think, or don't know how to think, of others, this is going to be especially hard going for those of us with a more sensitive disposition. Also, if one shows too much interest in others and not one's self, we're making it easier for them to be selfish. In a sense, we're also at fault, partially .

So are people selfish? Yes, sometimes. Am I to blame if for being invisible? Yes, sometimes.

So, there's a balancing act that we need to play with certain people, in my view, where we must shout louder to be heard. Sometimes literally. Better we're in the company of those who are sympathetic to each others needs, so everyone gets more or less equal attention. But I know that's an ideal situation, and not always practical.

That, briefly, is my take on things. Whether it's of any help or not....?

One important thing I must say - if only to remind myself. In always being nice to others, and thinking of others, we must not forget to be nice to ourself. We have the right to be a little selfish and think of us too. :yesyes:

:) You'll always have No More Panic. Best wishes becca. :bighug1:

26-01-10, 16:57
Great post there Gary.

26-01-10, 18:14
Thanks for that 'one important thing'..its very easy to forget that :)