View Full Version : Getting myself into a severe state thinking what I have is meningitus

26-01-10, 16:26
I have a small array of red dots on my hands as well as a calf itch/rash that has turned into several of them on my right calf now.

I have a cough that was not in the least bit troublesome yesterday and today it's starting to get sore and I seem to have a lot of pressure on my chest.

The only thing I don't have is a fever although that may come soon.

Should I be worried about this ? If it's not my mouth it's something else and it's every single week I can't handle it at all.

A cough seems to be a major sign of illness coupled with this itching and spots appearing. I hate having this.

26-01-10, 16:55
Hi Star

Not meningitis!

You would have much more severe symptoms which i'm not going to say because i know what it's like having HA, Our minds work overtime Lol.
But if those are the only symptoms you have then i highly doubt it.


26-01-10, 16:55

Sorry that you are not feeling well. If you are worried about your symptoms you could call NHS direct or your GP for some advice. Also, the meningitis trust has information about symptoms and how to check a rash using the glass test: http://www.meningitis-trust.org/Signs-Symptoms.html.

I'm not a doctor so this next bit is just my thoughts. I have had meningitis B and what you're describing doesn't sound like the typical symptoms. Hopefully this will reassure you. However you are right a cough can be a problem and if you are still worried you should see a doctor to get that checked out. If you do have the symptoms on the link above then call your GP because Meningitis is a serious illness.

I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself :) HP

26-01-10, 20:39
My friends son had meningitis over xmas and I tell you the one illness you most def don't have is meningitis! He was very ill very quickly with none of your symptoms and was so ill so fast that they called an ambulance - he is not a child but an adult. Thankfully he is now okay.

27-01-10, 08:48
Country girl is SPOT on you have a few hours then you well, how to put this nicely ...... become critically ill if you dont get treatment... you pass away

It's hits you within 2 hours or less

So you are just fine also these red spots that dont fade are actually normal for some people, I get them and guess what I also had a panic about ??? yup meningitis :blush:

by the way have you been taking a lot of aspirin ?? it sometimes causes these spots, cos it thins the blood

27-01-10, 12:59
Its definitely not meningitis!
The spots that are appearing where you are itching are because you are scratching the skin. If I scratch my skin too hard then I get little red spots come up that take a few days to away.
Also as some one else said most people do have little red spots that never fade! x