View Full Version : Have a laugh, for you all!

26-01-10, 16:43
Hey my friends! I have a laugh for you, something that happened to me today!
As you will all know i have severe depression and anxiety, so i'm on mirtzapine and also zopi... sleeping pills, so not at my best,,,,, Well walking into town today and my minds far away, i crossed the road and nearly went infront of a car! accidently not on purpose. The angry driver rolled down his window and shouted "Are you Mad" Well, you can imagine, At first i nearly laughed and wanted to reply "Yes, and i have the paperwork to prove it too",,,,but i didn't..... You have got to laugh though havn't you? What is it they say "Never a truer word said in jest!!!!

"Are you Mad" Well in a Nutshell, how can i put it,,,,Yeessss!

Just thought i would share that with you, anyone else have something funny to tell?:)

margaret jones
26-01-10, 16:51
Made me Laugh xxx

26-01-10, 16:53
Lol! Funny!
Glad you've retained your sense of humour!
Best wishes.

26-01-10, 18:10
That was funny!! The fact that you've still got your sense of humour is great!! It'll help you along the way.

26-01-10, 18:12
LOL......put a smile on my face xx

26-01-10, 19:18
Yes, i still have my sense of humour but don't know how much longer i can see the funny side for. But yes! That did make me laugh too! Well what else could i do Cry!
I seem to do enough of that!

26-01-10, 19:28
:winks::hugs::hugs:Bless you Red,

You ain't mad hunny and its so lovely to hear you took that in a good way!!!! Come no one able to judge another so if you put into perspective the driver was just letting off steam and words weren't thought about, you can just brush it aside and say hey yeah i'm mad, your mad we are all mad cos no one better than no one else.

Don't judge another and others shouldn't judge you! We all bad, mad, nuts, do stuff we regret, do stuff we shouldn't, think things we shouldn't, its a mad old world we live, but live we do!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing and so pleased you saw the lightheartedness in a passing comment which yeah could cause offense.

Good on you Red, :yesyes::bighug1::whistles::yahoo:

26-01-10, 19:38
Hi Redrainbow, It's funny you should mention laughter, i could just imagine that guys face, double checking what you said !!!!!
Today i made a decision, i have been through 25years on on off anxiety, It's about time i turned it around and laughed at it !!!!!!
I am going to start up a laughter group, somewhere people can come if they are like minded and have a giggle together at anything basically.
There does not seem to be one in lancashire so i thought well, give it a go, even if one person comes, we can laugh at that.
Any ideas i will be happy to take them on board.
thanks for giving me the push i needed.
love crissyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-01-10, 19:46
Crissy, if i were not so far away i would certainly come, I'm in Lincoln though! But you are certainly right it's best to laugh if you can, that's hard to do sometimes though.
Give me a couple of long ears at the minute and i could easily pass for the mad hatter any day of the week!

26-01-10, 20:06
made me smile xxxx from one nutter to another xxxx

I often tell people i am a nutter, they smile and i repeat it,,,then they step back with a twisted grin and think phsyco woman,,,,so let me go first in the que,,,,lol

being this way certainly does have its perks.

snippy xx

26-01-10, 20:48
Oh Snippy,
That is good, i have not had a laugh like that for a while, Yes like you so rightly say, maybe being this way really does have a few perks to it after all. From one nutter to another, thankyou xxx, from wayne.

27-01-10, 01:35
Made me smile...

Sometimes our sense of humour is all we have left to keep us going.

Good on you - don't ever lose it (sorry for the pun!) ...

27-01-10, 09:59
I like that, made me titter...thanks!:)

27-01-10, 10:15
Good smudger! start the day with a laugh, that's the way. Any advance on the mad hatter jibe!