View Full Version : Here's the thing...

26-01-10, 17:22
I'm tired of feeling like this as I'm sure we all are. Do you guys ever have panic attacks in a seemingly calm situation. I'm just sitting here at my desk and the derealization/depersonalization starts like I'm on the cusp of becoming dizzy and then I just linger and then FULL BLOWN PANIC...fight or flight and I run to my car to calm down...what the heck guys? Is this just the way panic and anxiety are? I mean, if I were about to bungie jump or give a presentation to a room full of people, I would understand it, but I'm sitting in my office, alone at the computer...What is wrong with me. I'm 32 years old and I've been dealing with this on and off for my whole life and on for about the last 11 years. When have I put in my time? How long is long enough?

26-01-10, 18:25
Hey there, I have suffered from depression on and off since 1995, but then I was hit by this Damn awful anxiety in Nov 2009 along with panic attacks. I have never know anything like it in my life. To answer your question, I am never in a frightening or even exillerating situations but yet I explode into fearful panic and can do little to stop it. I am 38 now and like yourself, I feel I should be enjoying life, not suffering like this. I have prayed and prayed for it to lift and nothing. I am now taking 2 different meds and still feel like I am not living. I pray you find relief!

27-01-10, 09:33
Hi krja,

During that 11 years have you taken the time to understand fully what panic attacks are and why they happen or have you just hoped they would go away on their own?

They will go away if you take the right steps to help them go away (self help books, counselling , practising deep relaxation etc) otherwise they will keep you tightly in their grip. If you read Claire Weekes you will find out that a panic attack is your nervous system is reacting to an imagined threat (perhaps a stray thought that you are not even conscious of) just as if it was a real one (Help - the building's on fire!)

If you start by avoiding running to your car, staying where you are and seeing the panic attack out you will already be on the way to a huge improvement. Your body's default setting is calm. It will return to that state as soon as it can - and it will do it whether you go or stay.

Please try to find out all you can about what's happening to you. Knowledge is power.

Hope you feel better soon


28-01-10, 20:41
i've read the books, i've taken medication and got off of it b/c it made me just feel flat, i've talked to doctors, i've had a million medical tests to figure out if it's something medical causing these symptoms, i've done all i know to do and i'm still not better. i find relief in crying, i do that a lot. i'm just tired, i would be a better person, mother, friend, wife, daughter if i could just be normal. i hate this and i'm tired of going to the doctor b/c i think that something is wrong with me...so i sit and just worry and think that i have a brain tumor and that's not healthy either...i'm in a place where i feel stuck. i'm not an unhappy person, i'm acutally pretty happy considering, but i'm tired of the fight, i don't know what else to do other than give in and be thankful for those times where i do find a little peace and rest. thank you for the recommendations though, i do appreciate your willingness to offer suggestions, and i totally agree that knowledge is power, if i didn't know what i do about this disease that i have, i wouldn't ever get out of bed. but i do everyday and i work everyday and i fly around the country on business trips and i do all of the things that i'm scared to do b/c i refuse to just sit and let this beat me. i'm winning the fight, but i'm just tired of the mundane task of having to fight. i want ease, for once in my life.