View Full Version : Helicobater Plyori and anxious after termination.

26-01-10, 18:49
I have had very bad IBS symptoms and heartburn for about 5 weeks on and off. 2 weeks ago my GP did tests for coeliac disease and helicobater, he said he didn't think I had either of them but he was doing them to reassure me and prove it was just wind caused by stress/anxiety that I have had since the termination last month. Yesterday whilst at the GP I asked if the results were back and I have tested positive for helicobacter. She said she didnt have time to go through the treatment and explain to me what it is so told me to come back in a week. My brother had it years ago and was very ill, fo thte last week my symptoms of wind haven't been that bad really so I was suprised when she told me this.

My anxiety is bad at the moment, and I have been signed off work due to the stomach trouble but being stuck at home is not helping really:blush: I am now anxious about this, I don't know much about it other than it is a bacteria alot of people carry. Has anyone had it and can advise me? does it require treatment? I have an appointment to see my usual GP on friday to discuss it.

Yesterday I went in for a few swabs, had a very heavy period which started as spotting last Sunday & Monday, but by Tuesday and Wednesday it was so heavy, I gushed everytime i stood up. Since then I have had days of nothing at all, but then days where I have yellowy/brown/red discharge. Which then freaks me out, it comes and goes and I keep getting myself in a tizz that the heavy bleed will come back that I had last week:weep: GP yesterday said it was just a period, heavier than usual as I had a termination 6 weeks ago, so she said it was bound to be abit unusual. It has left me jumpy though, I keep looking to see if I am bleeding again, I feel so nervous that it may come back.

I had some swabs done yesterday, she said it would reassure me that nothing was wrong, she said after 6 weeks it would be highly unlikely that I had an infection.

Can anyone who has had a termination reassure me that their first period was different/heavy?

I also had more bloods done today, should get all my results tomorrow or thursday, I feel really worried.

I still am not sleeping and having nightmares. I feel quite low, and the days feel so long. I feel really anxious and low right now. My husband has been fantastic and supports me, as does my mother but I feel quite worried about myself, I never thought I would feel this low:weep:

26-01-10, 20:26

H Plyori is treated with 2 lots of antibiotics at the same time from what i can remember when i had it. They did make me feel yuk for the duration of taking them but it cleared up.

Hope this little bit of info helps and i hope you feel better soon.


26-01-10, 20:39
hi your unusual bleeding is normal i had the same and went to a&e in a mad panic were they did lots of testi ncluding internal scan and the results were normal .after having been pregnant the lining ov ur womb can be thicker than normal this is why we get hevier bleeding but after yyour first couple ov periods they will go back to normal ...the hospital gave me transic acid tablets witch calms down the bleed u can get these from gp they work great hope you feel better soon xx

26-01-10, 21:16
Thank you both so much xxxx

26-01-10, 23:23

what were your symptoms for h plyori im convinsed i have it. what test did they do?

27-01-10, 14:11
Just lots of acid and IBS type bowel spasms.

I saw GP today and he said that just because the blood test is positive it doesn't mean I have it?? So I just need to do a breath test.

27-01-10, 17:12
Anyone else had the blood test and tested positive, but then not had it? I guess it means I do have it and this test will come back positive also.