View Full Version : Worried sick AGAIN!- kinda gross

26-01-10, 18:58
I went to the bathroom #2 this morning. First off, stool was of average color but was kinda wide and not round but more flat. Second, there was a tiny spec of bright red blood on tissue about the size of a pin head. Afterwards I noticed a little burning and itching there. Someone please calm my fears that this is rectal or anal cancer. Do these symptoms point to something else possibly? I have an appt with a gastroenterologist but it's not until MARCH 15!! Could this be IBS or hemmorhoids or something else? I have been extremely upset over other health issues as of late, all which turned out just fine. Someone, please help me here.

26-01-10, 19:11
Hi Dennis

I think with it being fresh blood (not old and dark) and given the itching too, it sounds like hemmorhoids to me.

I have had the exact same thing myself a few times over the years.


26-01-10, 20:37
I get this when I have a little split in the skin around my anus - obviously you can't look here yourself:D but if you have an undestanding other half then ask them to look and see if you have either a haemorroid or a tiny paper cut type cut. Be careful who you ask:blush::D

26-01-10, 20:43
But don't be alarmed if you don't find anything on the outside. I have had inside hemmorhoids that cause the same symptoms you mentioned. They're harmless if you are only noticing a speck or two of blood.

26-01-10, 22:01
try Sudocrem, the stuff they use on babies bums.
The same happened me, it felt like had a cut back there.
i had a spot or two of blood but I figured I was ok.

27-01-10, 00:44

Sounds a lot like hemmorhoids to me.. if it came from anywhere else by the time it came out of you it would be black almost.

You are itching thats a symthom of hemmorhoids maybe you should go to the chemist and get some cream.. should fis it right up:)

27-01-10, 01:12
Thanks to all for your replies. I really don't know why I do this to myself. I guess none of us do. I did go see a counselor today to help me sort out this health anxiety and had a good session even though I have a long way to go. I truly have no real reason to think I may have colon, rectal or anal cancer except for one tiny speck of bright red blood on my tissue once today and an odd shaped stool so honestly I hope I can make myself believe that. My doc appt for this is way too far off to be worrying myself sick over it and I'm really going to try and not do that to myself anymore. I have a life to live and I need to live it. Thanks again.