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26-01-10, 19:03
Ive had a busy day running about and just had my dinner and sat down to relax then my heart started missing about 20 beats in a row and now Im so scared and dont know if I should go to hospital. Im so petrified please respond. :weep:

26-01-10, 19:13
somebody please help me!

26-01-10, 19:14

This quite often happens to me, and I am sure you don't need to worry. I also find that it tends to happen when I relax after rushing around. I did mention it to my doctor when I went for something else, and he did'nt make anything of it at all.

I hope this helps a bit, and take care hun xxx

26-01-10, 19:14
a lot of us get these missed beats and they are normaly fine. Have you had them before. Do you feel ill in any other way

26-01-10, 19:17
I have suffered with them for 3 years but they were really bad. Ive been so good not worrying about them but there was sooo many in a row it felt like my heart was chugging like a car stalling. Im very frightened. I have been very busy and had eaten a b ig meal. no other symptoms. thank you

26-01-10, 19:19
I'm sorry you've had a bad run of these annoying ectopic beats. You do sound very scared and I can understand why, but you need to remind yourself that you've had many for 3 years and they've done nothing to harm you in that time. It could just be that your large meal and the position you were in stimulated the ectopics more than usual. Hang on in there !

dont know if I should go to hospital

Do you have any other symptoms at all ?

26-01-10, 19:24
if you have no other symptoms i would say you are ok especially since you have had them before, the big meal may have triggered it

26-01-10, 19:25
I have no other symptoms.oh they get me down just as I think Ive conquered my fear of them they come on worse then ever and set my anxiety in to overdrive. x

26-01-10, 19:31
Why not give NHS24 a phone?

They'll tell you right away whether you need to go to hosiptal or not and if not, your mind will be put at rest.

Best of luck.

26-01-10, 20:25
thanks for replying again, dont know what I would do without the support on here still shaking though but better

26-01-10, 21:13
hey i have been experiencing the same as you, mine just come on out of the blue and thats what worrys me. Ive had an ECG not long ago though and everything came back fine so im sure you will be.

26-01-10, 21:21
oh its awful though kez, really frightens me. I was accepting the ones here and there but when its runs like that it really gets to me. I had to jump out the chair and was so close to calling an ambulance then it stopped. I have got a grumbbling stomach now so definitely think that brings this on. thanks x