View Full Version : what does your pannic atack start with

26-01-10, 21:20
hi all just wanted to ask how your panic attack starts im realy worried as most people start with tight chest, breathing issues and other stuff.Mine seem to start by a rush ov dizziness then i get the other symptons...but it is always dizziness that starts them does any 1 else av this ...im worried it is not a panic attack and something else :weep:

26-01-10, 22:22
Shaky hands for me. My husband had a panic attack whilst sitting writing at his desk at work, totally unstressed beforehand n said his started with a tight chest, laboured breathing, dizziness and arm pain and a feeling of 'impending doom' as he put it!Awful! He thought he was having a heart attack. He's the coolest calmest person I know!

26-01-10, 22:31
Nausea and dizziness. I am very very emetiphobic so if I get nauseaous or dizzy I panic.

26-01-10, 22:44
Hi Lisa

Mine always starts with a rush of dizziness as well. I always worry cause everyone else seemed to have other symtoms and like you i keep thinking its not a panic attack its something else.

Obvioulsy im not glad you have this, but its a relief to no someone else gets the same as me.

love mandie x

26-01-10, 22:47
My panic starts with dizziness and blurred vision also shaky arms and legs,I have a feeling i am dying,it is bloody awful.After I have a panic attack I feel guilty,then anxiety sets in because I am on guard about every little symptom.:mad:

26-01-10, 23:10
mine always starts with dizziness x

27-01-10, 08:30
Mine always start with hot flashes in my head, like my hair is on fire!

27-01-10, 09:23
Hi lisa12,

Yes it is a panic attack, don't worry.

Neesh X
27-01-10, 14:55
Yeah mine can be triggers by a few different things and dizziness is a big 1 for me too


27-01-10, 18:18
I don't have panic attacks much these days but when I had them the first things were sweating and the feeling of alienation. It's hard to explain. It felt like the world around me was far away or so. All the sounds and things seemed distant.

27-01-10, 18:37
Mine usually start with a rush of dizziness or a warm rush to my head and chest (adrenaline I assume) then blurred vision, then queue racing heart, breathing issues and fears of dying.

27-01-10, 18:39
Tight chest, feeling of not getting enough breathe, shakes and rushing to the loo. Also unbelievable feelings of fear. I hate them and even though I know the key to beating this is acceptance I still can't do it :doh:


jude uk
27-01-10, 19:10
I think most panic attacks begin with a thought that is then magnifyed. It can be "I feel dizzy, I feel sweaty, I feel shaky" We then pour on the "what if" What if it is more than just a dizzy spell, what if this sweating is something else.

So I would suggest it begins with a thought

28-01-10, 09:16
An adrenaline rush followed by a rapid heartbeat.

And these days that's all it ever is because what happens next is up to me!

28-01-10, 18:03
Mine always start with funny feelings in my stomach...kind of like when you get butterflies, i then go dizzy and feel like i need to vomit, i start to shake uncontrolably, the only place i feel safe and stop shaking is when im sat next to a toilet... i hate having them, whoever made such a horrible feeling ey? :weep:

29-01-10, 12:32
Looks like it's different for everyone, so you don't have to feel afraid :D
Mine one starts with a fast heartbeat, that's when I think "I'm going to have a heart attack!" or "My heart will stop!" or even "I'm about to have a stroke!" and when these thoughs strike, panic comes too. Then I start shaking uncontrollably, I get dizzy and I fell like my breathing will stop. My muscles thinghen, like I'm about to have cramps all over my body. And then there's the nausea too... Yeah, It's the most horrible feeling ever ;-;'

29-01-10, 13:00
Mine begin with the adrenelin rush,then fast heart rate,dizzyness,shakes realy bad,feeling faint,there awfull symptoms,Awfull thing to experience,hope your well soon.xxxx

04-02-10, 18:44
mine start with dizziness and a hot feeling that runs from head to toe which i found to be my adrenalin and blood pressure raising during panic, normal.

05-02-10, 02:00
mine starts with derealisation and dizziness. I feel like I can't breath properly and have to take big gasps of breath. I find it really difficult to describe what goes on during a panic attack, so much goes on and goes through my head. They can be such scary things.

05-02-10, 14:10
it's hard to recall what i feel even tho i've had so many. Perhaps a fuzzy feeling in my head, tingling sensations through arms/legs, on to shallow breathing, tight chest, and shaking/sweating.
In all honesty though, it starts with what your thinking, your thoughts generate the anxiety, and panic attacks are intense anxiety when adrenaline gets un necessarily pumped through your body, as if you're about to fight someone....if it dosent start in the mind, then it may be biological, i duno.
It's possible you have slightly different symptons than others I guess.

05-02-10, 14:53
Hi, mine start by a feeling of dizziness and I kinda get this feeling like I know that I`m going to have a panic attack but can`t stop it. My eyes then go blurry and I think that I`m going to die and feel that I need to run away. Thankfully I don`t get many but when I do they are so awful.

05-02-10, 21:00
Mine start with feeling like im going to faint,
.....then i get a hot flush and cant breath and my eyes start going blurry, heart pounds and i need to escape wherever I am asap.

06-02-10, 16:46
Dizziness, Nausea and sweating for me, One thing I do find is that they last no longer than 5-10 mins. and when they are over I feel euphoric, i assume this is a reaction to the adrenalin pumped into my body.

06-02-10, 16:56
mine start with a rush of dizziness as well, and a hot flash. then I know to sit down and calm down!!!

06-02-10, 18:07
Hi, mine too starts with dizziness and lightheaded. I then get a buzzing feeling all over and then the panic starts and it feels like I'm going to pass out but, touch wood, haven't yet! Then start to notice every single ache and pain and think I'm gonna die any minute, awful!

10-02-10, 16:15
i always start to feel hot,then eyes blur on to sweating palpatations dizzy and feeling like i am going to pass out,usually happens in a shop que,i just have to leave the shop and get outside then i start to feel better.

10-02-10, 16:25
I get these prickly sort of fearful feelings, then my heart starts beating faster and my breathing gets quicker, then my hands start shaking and they go cold, I then start to feel really cold and so on. I think it can vary from person to person but no wonder people think they are having a heart attack, my heart was beating so fast I reckon it would have easily been heard in a quiet room.

12-02-10, 02:19
Mine is quick breathing hevey head, pins and needles within the hands feet legs and around the mouth, sometimes loss of sight and usually just not being able too move. tight chest too.