View Full Version : Pure O?

26-01-10, 21:48
Hey, so a few days ago i started havin thoguhts about hurting myself/dying. everytime i went out in my car or was in someone elses car I'd think about what it would feel like if i swerved into a car on the other side of the road or if i were to go up the back of someone, sometimes i feel like not braking when i need to just 'because i can' its hard to explain what i think but anyway i spoke to a friend of mine who suffers from anxiety, panic attacks and depression and has done for many years. she said it was a form of OCD but just the obsessive side and that shes had thoughts similar for years, i was just wondering if anyone had the same and if it was a form of OCD...?
Jody x

26-01-10, 21:56
Hi. I have many times in the past but never if my child is with me strangely enough. Luckily so far self preservation has kicked in! It's scary when I do think like that though!

26-01-10, 22:38
It does sound like a obsessive thought- because your having it over and over again. Luckily it isnt compulsive. It also sounds like your quite depressed too.. I'd suggest speaking to a GP or therapist, whoever you have, about it. Obsessive thoughts can be quite damaging and stressful, it will be good if you can nip it in the bud and get some treatment! xx