View Full Version : Spinning and head fog

26-01-10, 22:04
When I turn my head at the moment I feel like things are spinning and feel the familiar trickle of cold and buzzing of panic kicking in.

At the moment I feel like my head is full or pressure, like I can't think properly. I feel like I have a really bad head cold but without the hold and it is really upsetting me. I feel like I am going to pass out. My head feels interchangeably numb and tingly and painful.

Help? I am trying so hard to not panic about things :(

26-01-10, 22:34
Hi scorpion, I wish I had some better answers for you. All I can say if try not to make any sudden movements.. Make sure you are drinking lots of water and eating enough healthy foods. Have you had these symptoms before? Are they your anxiety smptoms? Maybe it could be an inner ear issue, with the head feeling full of pressure? Im not sure I'm just guessing. I hope it improves. xx

26-01-10, 22:34
im goin through exactly same at moment im dizzy all the time .I get sudden head rush like a bolt ov dizziness as gone right through me then i go tingley hot shakey and think im about to collapse it even happens when im sitting or lieing down.....in the past i av had bpv (benign positional vertigo) where the room spins if u go to docs there is a simple test he can do to see if you have it (and it is not serious) and very commen in women they give u tablets to help with dizziness ....i have posted on here to day about my dizziness as it freaked me out
hope u well soon x