View Full Version : violent rush when dozing off! Grrrrr!!

27-01-10, 00:55

I'v been suffering from constant dizziness now for several weeks, blood tests came back clear, now i am awaiting an ECG next week. I do not feel that this is anxiety's work (& i am usually quick to point the finger of blame in his direction) but it is causing me a level of anxiety as i am fearful of passing out. I will not go into any more details about this as i have already posted.

My reason for been here at 00.44 is that every time i start to drift off i feel as if i am going to die. I am shattered and can barely keep my eyes open but evrytime i let then close within 30 seconds i am experiencing a violent wave of adrenalin rushing over me and it feels as if my heart as stopped and my head is light. pLease help, its awful xx

27-01-10, 01:05
UGH! I totally empathise.

Have had a very similar thing since before Christmas. Doctor who has never ssen me before (which might be a good thing!):) guessed its a virus related inner ear problem left over from heavy flu.

Started as really swimming dizziness but have intermittently been getting the head rush you describe. SO unpleasant to say the least.

Just had it again tonight and not sure if its a hot flush or my ears about to explode. I understand what you mean by a wave because mine feels exactly like that as if I'm swept up in the surge of it. Dearie me..exhausting!

27-01-10, 01:19
Going to try AGAIN to get some rest..send me a personal message anytime you want to compare notes. The dizziness thing is so anxiety producing in itself apart from worrying about any possible cause.

DO hope you manage to get some rest

Very best


27-01-10, 02:42
It is horrid isn't it. I end up getting up and doing something, but i am very tired. I know this is anxiety. Those sudden rush feelings, those that jolt us awake...according to Clare week's book...these are extra energ being expelled by the "nervously ill" (anxious) person

27-01-10, 05:57
Hey you!

This has happened to me several times!

I didnt even know what it was till a previous post someone made a few days ago about this same thing!

Its anxiety it still happens to me but ive never really worried about it.. i always just thought i was weird :noangel:

Try not to worry to much this happens to a lot of us anxious people :hugs:

28-01-10, 23:50
Hi guys, thanks for your posts, it really helps to know others are there to support me (but not that you guys are suffering too).
I dont know what time i ended up drifting off but would guess that it was around 4am. That was scary stuff. Its also embarassing as i have replied to threads before where people explain this feeling but i was relating it to something totally different. Usually its just a little falling sensation which passes quickly and then i can go to sleep, but this, this was horrific and very scary. It didnt happen last night but i did have the swimming sensation that you describe Rozie. I did good to ignore this as i was too afraid to trigger the BIG JOLTS again. Hope i have a good night tonight too and the same goes for you lovely people........sleep tight & sweet dreams xxxx