View Full Version : burp stuck thing again!!!!!

26-12-05, 04:30
Well it seems that I have this problem at least once a week where I get gassy burp stuck thing that takes forever to go away!!! It leaves me feeling like I have something stuck in my throat and causes me to get anxious cuz I feel like I am having a hard time breathing(which I know that I am not).
I have tried Tums,milk,and just plain waiting it out but it seems that I deal with this all day long before it finally goes away. It really puts me on edge and I know that so I can use the talking to myself realisticly(sp) thing and that does help to reduce the anxiety but none the less ... it gets really annoying.
I won't take any prescription med for it which I know makes it difficult to control.
Does anyone have any advice on something herbal or any other advice on how to get rid of this??


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

26-12-05, 09:46
Try Peppermint Tea - I get this and its awful you feel that you cannot get your breath until you get the gas out - horrible - it can last for hours at a time.

YOu said you dont want to take prescritpion drugs but i was getting this so often that i went to my doctor and he gave Lansoprazole which disolve on your tongue first thing in the morning. I have to take it for a month as this will heal and prevent any symptoms as since taking them i have been great. I am not a great fan of medication but it has helped.

Hope this has helped
Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

26-12-05, 09:54
Hi Sandy

Have you tried drinking some soda or tonic water? The fizz can help to bring up the wind by allowing some good burps.

There are some other posts about this on the forum but I don't have the links to hand.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-12-05, 10:51
I get this too - it's horrible isn't it. I find gentle massage of the area just below the collar bone really works well - and mint tea helps me too.

I hope it settles down soon for you!


12-01-06, 15:05
have you tryed patting yourself gentley on the back for a few minutes.it works for me!!!